
Man in the Mirror PROJECT - The Upanishads; Magical Child

". . . . Beyond these boundaries, he wanted to fly, In nature's scheme, never to die,  Don't stop this child, he's the father of man, Don't cross his way, he's part of the plan, I am that Child, but so are you, You've just forgotten, just lost the clue, Inside your heart sits a Seer, Between his thoughts, he can hear, A melody simple but wondrously clear, The music of life, so precious, so dear, If you could for one moment know, This spark of creation, this exquisite glow, You would come and dance with me, Kindle this fire so we could see, All the children of the Earth, Weave their magic and give new birth, To a world of freedom with no pain, A world of joy, much more sane, Deep inside, you know it's true, Just find that child, it's hiding in you."

  - MAGICAL child, by Michael Jackson

The words above describe the reason for Man in the Mirror PROJECT.  If we all could find who we really are and harness the power of our divinity, we can and will change this world into a world free of pain with much more joy.  As Michael, Sri Aurobindo and Mother are working with me, Sri has offered the following as we continue to explore the Upanishads.  He has referenced Mundaka Upanishad, Chapter 2, Section 2, Verses 1 and 2:

  1. Manifested, it is here set close within, moving in the secret heart, this is the mighty foundation and into it is consigned all that moves and breathes and sees.  This that is that great foundation here, know, as the Is and Is-not, the supremely desirable, greatest and the Most High, beyond the knowledge of creatures.
  2. That which is the Luminous, that which is smaller than the atoms, that in which are set the worlds and their peoples, That is This, - it is Brahman immutable: life is That, it is speech and mind. That is This, the True and Real, it is That which is immortal: it is into That that thou must pierce, O fair son, into That penetrate.
Sri has further explained this by tying in yesterdays post, offering the following in summation:

"Who is it that sits upon the tree of life?  It is a wonder that anyone can see themselves for who they are when all along we like to believe we are the ones that delegate the responsibilities to the universe.  In essence the design is the other way around.  Our thoughts are transmitted in such a way that all of life dictates the orchestra around us.  We beacon, we ask, we pray and we transmit, but it is the universe that prevails knowing the deepest needs we have within our souls; not our egos or egotistical desires.  There is a difference in absorbing the egocentric values vs. the values of a true soul progression.  Within the seed of your existence you will find a wondrous charm.  It is the game of life out at play.  Hiding within you, it peeks out for you to view, then takes rest once again behind the ego.

This desire to rise above the ego is portioned in love and in passion.  The drive is a force of love that knows when it is fulfilled all of life will flow through you.  It is the knowingness that believes, yet wonders at the magnificence of the self.  Believe in life, for in love you will achieve the greatest of all desires; your true self."  - Sri Aurobindo and Mira (Mother) August 1, 2013

Michael, Sri and Mother have all referenced that part of ourselves, the magical child that resides within us.  This is the part that is connected to what Sri calls "Brahman" - the eternal force of ourselves that sees itself and is all that is us and around us.  This weekend may we all move closer to our "magical child" and see ourselves for who we truly are, instead of who we have believed we have been.

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