
Michael Jackson and the I AM Presence

It's a stop in your tracks something is going on feeling, only this time I not only stopped in my tracks, I was swept up in my being as well.  There were always "meetings" with Michael. When I say "meetings" I mean times when we would come together physically in the same place.  This is common with twin souls.  You are getting used to the others energy and testing yourselves on the path.  Look at the picture on the right of Michael and the Blue Eye.  I have blue eyes.  If I was a part of him, this is how I would represent it (as I did on my cover art work for the first draft of the book)  When you look at the mirrors on his jacket and if you've ever read any stories about this shoot, you'll realize the photo speaks of looking at oneself.  When you meet with a twin in the physical realm that's what you do - it's as if you are looking at yourself; your mirror.

I'd like you to understand what this is truly about.  More than love, its about being able to come to terms with everything about yourself and growing spiritually.  That can be very scary.  For as much as we all want a complete love, it's just as scary to have to look at ourselves and all of our fears, flaws and mistakes.  That's exactly what you are doing, and exactly what it takes to come together.  An honest, open look at yourself and acceptance of everything about you.   This is the ultimate vulnerability. Many twin flame soul mates are just as afraid of meeting this other being than they are in wanting to.  The natural inclination is to run.

There is another thing that happens energetically when meeting on the physical plane.  You are increasing your vibration and expanding the field around the two of you.  It's a very intense and uplifting experience.  It literally is like you are both encompassing everything around you.  These are the experiences I speak of when I say when you come together with a twin flame because you have experienced oneness with them you have no doubt that we are all truly one.

So when Michael passed and this feeling came over me, it was even stronger.  There is a divine spiritual presence that we all have called the I AM, and I can only associate the joining of these with the experience I had.  I experienced the feeling of not only his body, but his past lives flashed before me, and the impact of what his life was like.  I had always tried to imagine, thought I could, but never in a million years could I.  The pressure from so many people was immense.  There are simply no words to describe what it was like for him when these feelings came.  The other feeling, was his presence, however.  It not only encompassed the room I stood in or the building, like in our previous meetings, it encompassed the world.  Sounds crazy doesn't it?  But it's not.  Michael's presence was in the world, true, but it made his statement of We are the World, very literal.

I never planned on sharing this until much later, if at all.  But there is something I think you should know.  These experiences have happened all my life.  I have and still do believe there is and was spiritual work to do together.  His life was taken and mine is still here.  If I do not finish what he started I'm afraid my life and his will not fulfill the purpose for which they were intended.  Twin Flames always work on some spiritual purpose together.  The purpose of this, my writing is not to prove I am Michael Jackson's Twin Flame - It is to continue the message and the work.

That being said, I've expressed the experience because I know without a doubt there have been many other people who have had experiences.  Because I was connected with him, does not mean he was not connected to anyone else.  I may have had experiences, but know there are others as well.  How can I know this?  Not from message boards, I assure you.  It's because of the kind of soul he was.  I had that experience because his soul did have an effect on the entire world.  How can someone have an effect on the entire world and not be part of it?   

All I'm saying it if there are masters in this world, those that heal, love, and create miracles, they never come here for just one person.  They come for the world.  I keep trying to refer back to his music because, like I said, he's told this story all along.  Listen to Another Part of Me and when you do, I hope you realize he felt there was a mission.  He tried to tell people all along through his music that we are all part of one another and that we all contribute to healing the world.

After you listen to the words, refer back to the handwritten note I posted in the last post.  These brighter days he sings about are the days of the higher consciousness he wrote about in the note.  These days are now.

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