
MJ Fans and the "connection" experience . . .

I've been reading some of the material out there on the net. I've watched many fans over the years and have heard them speak about Michael.  I'll say I've never seen such a loving group of people who have adored someone and supported them so much.

Coming out with information about the twin soul experience with Michael, may leave some people to question their experiences or feelings about a special "connection" they may have experienced with him.  I wanted to make this clear, because I believe it to be part of the reason I'm here.

Because someone discovers they are a twin soul of someone else does not give either party ownership of that person.  Matter of fact, by time such a discovery has been made most often both parties have developed spiritually enough to encompass and experience the realms of many souls.  We meet soul mates, soul friends, next of twins, and so on and so on.  Increasing our vibration, developing divine love, and embracing ALL of humanity are the traits that begin to define the compass on the path to discovery of the twin flame.

I believe Michael "connected" with so many people because he did have these qualities.  Further, I think that those who have felt connections with him did so because they were "connected" to him.  Simply put,we are ALL connected to one another.  That truly is the real beauty of the twin flame story.

I remember when Princess Diana died.  There were many people who felt "connected" to her as well.  We mourned her loss because we "connected" to her on a personal level somewhere deep within us.  Psychologists may say we saw something in her that we needed to believe or see.  With Michael, I think it was the same.  He meant something to all of us personally in a unique way and on a very personal level.  Whether or not it was something we needed to believe in or wanted to see really doesn't matter.  Michael instilled hope, and humanity without hope is dead.  Somewhere deep inside of us I think we all know that we are inherently connected with one another.  Because we may have never met him, or may have never met Diana, doesn't mean we don't have real feelings or even a real connection.  That connection however strong or weak, remains with each one of us whether we decide to acknowledge it or not for all of eternity.

May we ALL use the spark that Michael ignited within each one of us to tender a warm fire, that not only keeps our souls in the embrace of the love he shared with us all, but to ignite a spark in others to continue the legacy and carry on the flame of love in others for years to come.

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