
Making The Shift with Jonas Elrod and the Robed Ones

I met a friend of Jonas Elrod's a few years ago.  At that time he told me about a movie Jonas was doing called "Wake Up".  The movie was about his life and how one day it changed.  He began to see spirits, angels and demons.  Today I was very excited to see that Jonas has his own segment on the Oprah Network.  He is following stories of people exploring consciousness and in turn, helping to spread the truth of what is actually happening on our planet.  It's called the "Deep Shift".

The first clip is from his original movie, which I highly suggest you see if you haven't already.  The second, is a recap on the processes for making the shift.  I find so much truth in what he says here as I'm sure many of my readers will  He explains how we are like layers of an onion.  We have to peel away those beliefs and parts of ourselves, our patterns, to see who we really are.  We must realize that when the horrendous moments happen in our lives, that there is also opportunity to make the "shift".  Shifting our lives from a mundane state of being to being who we truly are.  Integrating that new found truth takes a bit of introspection and work, but highly worth it in achieving a greater consciousness for who we are and how we fit into our world.

Please take a look at what Jonas has to say.  The third video portrays one of my favorite stories.  A doctor that had passed on is visited by "robed ones" and told to go back.  These robed ones are the Brotherhood of Light we've spoken about here on the blog.  Great work and exciting for all of us!

The first movie "Wake Up"

Three steps to waking up

The doctor describes what happened in "heaven"

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