
Man in the Mirror PROJECT: Trust

"I don't trust people who don't love themselves,
and yet tell me 'I love you.'

There is an African saying which is:
Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt."

 - Maya Angelou

Trusting yourself is like peeling back an onion.  There are layers of tar and turmoil that surround your I AM presence, that higher part of your being, preventing the real you from peeking out.  Trust is important, because if you don't trust you, who can you trust?

For many of us we often trust others more than ourselves.  We ask for opinions, take the word of our parents as law and "trust" that our friends have our best intentions in mind.  When we find out they don't, or find that we have been betrayed we often say things like "I had a feeling", "I knew it!", or "Somehow I knew she/he was up to something".

Events like this may happen again and again.  Its that small inner voice that tells you that something is wrong, something is about to occur or that someone is untrustworthy.  Society has taught us about how to think and decide with linear thought.  You have facts, you weigh them out and you make a decision.  No where have they taught us how to use our gift of sense, feeling and intuition in making these critical decisions for our lives.  Dogs do it when they begin to bark before someone knocks at the door.  What makes us think that we are a lesser comprised being with deadened senses?

Trusting yourself comes over time.  The more you listen to that little inner voice, the more often it will happen, and the more you will find that inner voice was the one that was right.  Over time you will begin to trust yourself more than what someone else tells you.   You will trust yourself to know what's right for your life and you will trust that something inside of you can take you and tell you where you need to go.  Trusting then is not only an option, but a way of living.  For the trust you place in yourself can only be betrayed by one person - you.

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