
The Man in the Mirror Project - Self Love

If you are ever wondering to yourself why you can't be happy with what you have no matter what you do, perhaps it's time to look in the mirror.  We all have issues from our past that tend to creep into our present without us even realizing it.  For many of us these issues are not even part of our consciousness.  They are buried deep within us like a secret afraid to be revealed.  Sometimes the secret is just too painful to face.  Often, it is at this pain point that we enter into denial or self blame.  Blaming ourselves for our choices and condemning ourselves further, when all we really need to do is to look toward the root cause and begin to heal without judgement of even ourselves.

For most of us we believe we have had "normal" lives.  However, what "normal" is for you can be quite different than my "normal".  It is our tendency to think we are fine and everyone else is just screwed up without giving a second thought to what everyone else's story is.  Everyone has a story and if we are brave enough to follow our story from the very beginning we can find our secrets and reveal them to be healed.

What are these "secrets" you might ask.  A secret could be the hidden pain you felt as a child when a parent forgot to pick you up from school; the hidden pain you felt because you were sexually abused by a loved one and still have not told anyone about it; hidden pain from being left alone to care for yourself without the loving hand and support of a parent; or even the pain from separation from a parent who gave you up for adoption.

For many of us some of these issues can be crystal clear.  Like abuse, however, our bruises are not always on the outside for us and everyone else to see.  We all hold scars within, and many of them are the ones that like to hide.  When we are faced with looking at our childhoods and our parents it is common and easy to live in denial.  We don't want to believe they love us, we have to - they are and were our first caregivers and those we learned from.  Most often it is also our parents that have their "secrets" as well.

So the cycle continues and as my spiritual teacher, St Germain, would say we continue in our ruts. Doing the same thing the same way, because that's our "norm" and that's they way . . dare I say it? . . the way OUR parents did it.

What I'm talking about here isn't casting blame on any parent.  It's about realizing that our parental relationship was the first one we entered into.  Since then, almost everything you feel about love in your life will in some ways be connected from this original place and your original story.  It's difficult to tap into the feelings you may be feeling today.  If you dare to venture, however, to a place you have never thought of before, perhaps a place you remember feeling the way you do today when you were a child, you just might begin to shed some light on some of your secrets.  When you do, you can't judge them, you must first try to understand them.  Then, give yourself time and love to heal them.  Loving yourself enough to move on and into a better place.

Our ruts, our cycles, for every individual create our world and how we are all living.  Continuing on a personal level to carry our shame and hurts only hurts our future generations and the world as a whole.  Our "ruts", our stories, and our pains once healed within ourselves from self love will be the only thing able to transcend and heal the world as a whole thorough divine love and in turn, healing the planet itself.  It's a difficult thing to do sometimes, but a road well worth it for the love you get in the end.


Reni Sentana-Ries said...

Hi, Debbie. Interpersonal relationships can be pain at times, can they not? I have come to the conclusion that some particularly unpleasant ones have been pre-arranged before the Karmic Board prior to our appearance in this incarnation, and this was done for the purpose of "sorting out" relationship issues which had remained unresolved from earlier life streams.

One of my own relationship matters I have recently piece-mealed together by analyzing the event in hindsight and then using my subconscious memory to assemble what agreement might have been struck with one of my twin souls before we met down here in nearly a confrontational manner, leaving us both hurt.

I now understand the purpose for its tragic outcome and can safely conclude that in the absence of this event the consequence for "the other" would have been manifold worse. I had given my consent and thereby permitted the chain of events to happen, even though my soul became torn as a consequence of it.

In all of this, turmoil hurt was permitted, love remained constant, pain never left, hate never entered into the picture, there may be remorse, but no "guilt" was left behind as a residue to trouble the either of us. As we went through the motions of the experience, the requirements as set out by the Karmic Board were met, and the purpose of the experience was fulfilled in its final outcome.

When we come out of these relationships without having injured our self-respect, we also can then continue to love ourselves without being narcissist or selfish in its expression.

Thank you for writing such a fine article. -Reni

ElevenSeven said...

Hi Reni,
Thank you so much for sharing that and I couldn't agree more with what you said. The Karmic board is very instrumental and I am wondering how much you know. Maybe you could elaborate on the karmic board, or offer a piece for posting on their job and duty in relation to twin souls and flames?
It would be most welcome!
And thank you once again for your comment :)

Reni Sentana-Ries said...

Okay, but allow me some time for that, Debbie, a few days would be fine. - Reni