
Audio Book Complete - Maya Angelou; In and Out of Time

The final audio version for the book Another Part of Me - An Extraordinary Tale of Twin Souls is out of production and on it's way to Amazon.com and iTunes!  April Grace Lowe did an amazing job narrating the seven hour memoir on audio these past three months and I am both grateful and excited to share this work with the public.

This truly was a group effort and I wish to acknowledge all that played a part in the production of its release including Dr. Maurie Pressman and Patricia Jaudry, authors of Twin Souls Finding Your True Spiritual Partner,  Annette Aben, Maria Shaw Lawson, Ester Naylor, Donna Ferrier, St Germain and the Brotherhoods, Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, Grandma "Tiny", Randy Davila, President of Hampton Roads and Hierophant Publishing, Allison Jacob, Brother Richard Merling of the Father Solanus Capuchins, Father Solanus, Body Mind Spirit Radio, and last but not least the supporters of this blog and the many other countless souls that have worked towards raising the consciousness of this planet.

The work of the consciousness is not and has not been commonplace in our society.  Sometimes it feels risky to stand behind something you can't use your five senses to explain.  My hope is as well as that of those who have embarked on this project with me, is to not only raise your awareness into the beauty of our connectivity, but to also allow you to see the inherent divine essence that lives within each one of us.

These are some comments on the book:

"I am very impressed with the dedication that is the root of this twin soul story; it is a message to mankind itself, to elevate to the heart-imaginative world in which true twin-soul pairings can occur, and can be realized."  
                              - Dr Maurie Pressman

"A very compelling read"
                              - Randy Davila, President, Hampton Roads & Hierophant Publishing

"It was an honor to read such an incredible book"
                               - April Grace Lowe

Once again, a heartfelt thanks to all who have supported this effort.  I'll be posting more sample chapters on the blog as they pertain to twin flame soul mates and the processes that they go through soon.  For now I'll leave you with another view of the journey written by Maya Angelou -

In and Out of Time

The sun has come.

The mist has gone.
We see in the distance...
our long way home.
I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out of time.
When the first stone looked up at the blazing sun
and the first tree struggled up from the forest floor
I had always loved you more.
You freed your braids...
gave your hair to the breeze.
It hummed like a hive of honey bees.
I reached in the mass for the sweet honey comb there....
Mmmm...God how I love your hair.
You saw me bludgeoned by circumstance.
Lost, injured, hurt by chance.
I screamed to the heavens....loudly screamed....
Trying to change our nightmares to dreams...
The sun has come.
The mist has gone.
We see in the distance our long way home.
I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out
in and out
in and out
of time.


Reni Sentana-Ries said...

Congratulations, Deborah, for successfully completing your audio book and getting it out to the people. You are doing a very valuable job in making people aware of their need for finding their "other half" and informing them of prerequisites for succeeding in it. If bliss is what the people are after, then following your counsel will take them there.

ElevenSeven said...

Thank you Reni :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Deb! :)

Wow, those audio samples were really beautiful and interesting, I got goose bumps! I just started wondering, WHO was the big bird that you met when Michael was the "hippie guy"? Was the bird also Michael in disguise? I'd really love to get the book but the link said that in Europe it is only available in the UK, France, Italy, Spain and Germany. Maybe later it will be available to other European countries as well? I'm really bad with Internet and computer stuff so it might be already available to other countries and I just don't know how to get it... :D

About twin flames, I read somewhere that in the group of seven flames there are also twin ray couples. So it is like a flower where the twin ray couple is the center and the five flame people are petals around it. And then all the other five flames also have that one twin ray in the same group and they again form the center together where the rest five are the petals. I'm just not sure how that works because then if there are seven flames in the group then that would mean that one flame would be left out without a pair? Also I was wondering, did/do you have a telepathic connection also with Elizabeth Taylor because you're both in the same twin flame group or did/do you have that connection with Michael only? And if Michael only, could it be because you are twin rays as well as twin flames?

So many questions here, thank you again! :)


ElevenSeven said...

Hi Riikka,
First of all thank you so much for the nice comments :) I don't know what country you are in but if you let me know your address I'll do my best to get a copy to you.

It sounds like you've done some research on flames! Where did you read the flower analogy? That is really beautiful.

When my guide explained this to me he also offered that the flames came from the rays. I know our minds like to think in terms of pairs and that's why I like the analogy of the flower. Like petals you are all connected. One petal may be closer to another but you are still all from the same source and are one.

As far as Elizabeth, she is in our group. While she lived I often saw her with Michael and could speak to her at those times but not like I did with Michael himself. It seemed only when they were meditating. I never got flashes of her life either. I honestly was never sure about her. I had heard she said that she knew Michael's soul at one time and that intrigued me a great deal. After she passed she came to me and then helped me out quite a bit.. even still she does. That's when she started to work with Michael and everything became clear. There are two others that belong to our group on this side of the veil that I know of that I can speak telepathically with; one woman and another man.

Michael and I are very close, but he is not my ray. My twin ray is on the other side. Most rays are and from what I have heard are ascended masters. Mine has taught me a great deal and has been an added source of protection and knowledge. I am under the belief that most rays will stay on the other side of the veil to help guide the flames, but then that's only my surmising; nothing that I've read in a book :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

I live in Finland and my address is

Riikka *****

I don't know how to send you personal messages so I had to put the address here in the comment section but maybe we can edit it so that it doesn't show here. :D First I have to pay the book somehow plus the shipping expenses, how do we arrange it? Also if you need my email for further instructions, it is: *****.com. I can't wait to get the book, thank you so much for your help! :)

I've been trying to study different spiritual topics, it started a few years back when I came across a book about angels and after that I've been trying to learn more. I read the flower analogy from email posts of a Finnish lady who has email courses about all kinds of spiritual topics. The latest ones were about twin flames and twin rays and how people are now trying to contact their flame when we are moving into the higher consciousness. It is very nice that so many of your flames are / have been on this side of the veil at the same time with you, I would imagine that it is pretty rare, maybe most people have only one flame on this side and perhaps not even that! :) And it's comforting that you can connect to your twin ray who helps and teaches you from the other side; it truly shows that we are never alone. =)


ElevenSeven said...

Hi Riikka,
Thank you for the information. I would be interested in the finnish lady's information too. Maybe we can post it on the blog for others as well.

I think in the past it has been rare for twins to incarnate together, but it is becoming more common place now. We have specific work together so it makes sense to me now, although years ago I was a confused train wreck! I think that's why I feel it's so important to share so others can know it not "just them" when they start to experience things.

I sent the book to you today - no cost. I appreciate your support of the blog and sharing. That's what we are all here for. Now I have to try and find a way to have it available in some of these other countries too - so thank you for making me aware of that as well. Let me know when you receive it and I do hope you enjoy it :)

Deb :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Deb, I don't know what to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH, I am so grateful!! :O This is too much, I honestly don't know how to thank you enough for this lovely gesture! <3

I'll start translating information from the Finnish lady's posts and send them to you soon. :)

Thank you again,

with Love,

ElevenSeven said...

You are welcome Riikka :)

I had no idea the posts were in Finnish. Please don't feel you must translate them!

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

it was a pleasure. :) I have two pages of text now that is about twin flames and relationships in general and if you find something in it that you like maybe you could edit the text into better English because my translation is quite poor. =D I wondered that since the information is from email courses and not from a published book or a web site I should publish the name of the author and first ask permission for publishing the name, but then I thought that if I simply write the main points that I have learned and I explain them in my own words and emphasize that these are not my own thoughts then I think it's OK this way. :) I think that many things that I found are topics that you already have talked about in your blog, but I hope there is something different too. Maybe it would be best not to publish the text here in the comment section because it’s quite long, but if there’s anything in it that you’d like to share in your blog then that’s great! =) I have to send this in sections because the site says that it is too long to be sent in one piece. –Riikka

It is said that we have one twin ray and there are seven twin flames altogether. Your twin ray is within that flame group with you and together you form the center of a flower where the rest of the flames are the petals. Each flame has its own twin ray and together they again form the center of the flower where the rest of the flames again are the petals. It has also been said that this division of the soul started in the time of Atlantis when we all were split into two bodies which means our souls were split in two parts. This was done because this way we could channel more love to each others’ hearts which already had a lot of pain in them. By that time people of the Atlantis thought that instead it being a blessing from God it was a punishment and they were really confused. They did not realize that the split was made so that the people could connect with this other half and this way they could endure life and pain better together. Instead the people of Atlantis started developing a fear from this pain of separation. This pain is still in our relationships today because we do not realize that there actually is no pain, only love and no separation. But in this separation we have grown and been healed and we have become healers and just recently we have been getting ready to connect to our soul group and make our soul whole once again.

The bond to our divine twin is so strong, that the farther we try to run the tighter the bond gets and we feel such strong pain in our hearts. Also the pain we feel in ourselves is also the collective pain from what our other half has experienced as well. This strong bond exists so that eventually we would return back home and realize that there is no separation and that all of our experiences have been happening inside one soul. This strong bond is the most powerful manifestation of God’s love because the bond is actually a path that brings us to reunion with who we really are. This connection is in our hearts and it will never break. Before we find our twin we are in other magical relationships for practice and they prepare us. When you find your twin, you find a deep familiar connection inside of you and all of your feelings are one and the same and they are pure and godlike.

Anonymous said...

Before we can connect to our divine counterpart, we must first realize that we ourselves are whole and we do not need anything from the outside, because many times we tend to be in relationships where we are looking for light outside of us and we become dependent on the other person. Most of our relationships are about addiction or karma. When we don’t know what a relationship truly is about and what it really means we only attract relationships of addiction which are about fear of losing the other. We must recognize these relationships that do not support the path of light and release them. One cannot earn love, one must surrender to love. True love is not about chains. In true love you can be apart from the other and let the other be free without the feelings of jealousy. But on the other hand, divine love calms you down and you no longer have the need to rush anywhere. When you are with your other half, you are home. When we meet our divine relationship we still try to change it into a relationship of addiction because that is the only familiar form of a relationship that we know of. The true divine relationship is not about addiction and that is why you can feel totally happy even when the other is far away and you don’t feel a need for the other person, just longing in its purest form because you remember all the good times you have shared together.

Karma can prevent the two flames coming together and that is why one needs to send love and light to purify that karma. When you have a divine relationship in balance and harmony within yourself first, you can start manifesting that relationship to the outer world. Being in a twin flame relationship brings you so many blessings because you also start attracting abundance into other areas of your life if you only let it happen. A twin flame relationship holds a key for abundance in life in general.

It has been said that even the ascended masters are still waiting for the manifestation of this divine relationship. This kind of a relationship is about meeting a person who is like a mirror or a counterpart to you and that is why your interaction brings constant healing energy to both of you. When you see yourself in the other person you become healed from that same place and you are also healing the other from that place as well. This kind of a relationship is always about serving and you have a common mission of the soul. There is also telepathy and a connection of the heart. We are all practicing this divine relationship in our other relationships and so we are walking towards this last divine relationship which at the same time is our path to ascension.

Anonymous said...

There are two levels in sexuality, the human level and the soul level. In the human level only the lower chakras are being joined together. Sexual connection on the soul level can happen even across different worlds because one does not necessarily need a physical body for it. Two people can feel becoming one soul and one human being. This brings good vibrations which drive away lower energies, it has been said that it is even more effective than a group of meditating people! If your twin flame is in another dimension, you must first make sure that it really is your twin flame because there are many different “beings” between different worlds. The connection between the flames builds a bridge in the cosmos between these two worlds and helps bring light to the universe. It has even been said that impregnation can happen from this kind of connection between two different worlds and for example Jesus Christ was created this way. There have also been a few others in the history of mankind who were born this way. They are called the sons of God.

How we perceive sexuality is not always about a connection to something that is outside, because there is a man and a woman in all of us and in the new era those two will have to become equally strong. One can for example ponder on how the man in you wants to love the woman in you and recognize your inner man and woman. For example after the inner man becomes equally strong in a woman the sacred female, the goddess, can emerge from her. The sacred female in us needs a safe surrounding that supports it before it can emerge and blossom. In the new times we are stepping into a feminine era and that is why the male energy must become stronger and find love and wholeness in our society.

Sexuality is not only about being always active because platonic feelings are also a part of it. We must find our own basic rhythms. If we don’t listen to the rhythms of our body we will feel like an outsider and sexuality will seem like it is something that is very mechanical and like a performance. When you have found your own rhythm, it is important to listen to that rhythm also when you are with someone because then both of your rhythms will make beautiful music together. There are different levels of love, for example friendship love can join ten people together but romantic love is always something between two people who form a symbiosis in their relationship and that way they also form a relationship channel through which they can send light to the universe.

ElevenSeven said...

This is beautiful truth. Thank you so much for taking the time to add your well informed addition to this blog. I am sure many will receive understanding and resonate with this. :)

ElevenSeven said...

Fabulous! I am so excited to have such well written and informed comments today!! Thank you so much for taking the time :)

ElevenSeven said...

Thank you so much Riikka :) I think all three of these anonymous posts must be from you(?) No wonder they are so informed! lol Thank you VERY much. I'd like to use them for a posting if you don't mind and I DO SO appreciate your efforts!! Many people will most certainly find this useful. Thanks again xxoo

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

yeah those three posts were abstracts that I put together from the email courses, I'm glad you liked them! :D
