
Relative Communion of the Soul

Take two halves of a picture.  One side has mountains and hills and the other streams and wildlife.  They are complimentary although very different.  Together they make a complete picture.  Each signifies the important elements that make up the whole.  The earth or ground, the water, the air or breath and even the fire of life in the wildlife..  Our souls our comprised of relatively the same.  We are human with bodies, minds and thoughts of the air, emotional water, and the fire core of the breath of life breathed into us from our very beginnings.  Although each one of us are comprised of all these things, there is yet another part of ourselves that although it contains relatively the same it is different, yet complimentary.  These are the two axis of the twin soul.  Two parts of the same picture.

When we break the picture in half we still can have a picture with each one.  One of beautiful hills, the other of streams.  When we put them together, however, there is wholeness and completion with each other.  There is a communion of the two because they fit so perfectly and complimentary together.  They are the same, yet they are different.

Each one of us has the same half of a picture.  We can be complete alone, but there is another part of us we instinctively search for that completes our picture.  It drives us to search for it.  It belongs with us to complete our journey.  Our communion with this other half is known deep within us and we long to be with it again, not knowing why it has left or where it has gone.  Some of us will search on high, some low, and some on the earth plane.  But where ever we search we find we cannot find our complimentary picture.  We cannot look with our eyes, we must look through the windows of the soul.  How can we do that you might say?  By looking from the inside out.  Inside ourselves sits a seer.  It's that one that knows all things and knows that with time all things will be made whole again.  Our seer is the one that ranks on high.  He or she is the one that knows divine timing and will be the navigating captain of your ship if you let him.

Our seer is wise, he is humble and joyous.  For he knows that with time all things will come to fruition, that in time all things will be made right.  That our communion is relative, because the seer already knows our communion is already here.

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