
Man in the Mirror Project - Choose Your Yoga

When we learn to abide by the laws of nature, we begin to realize our true spiritual nature and potential.   Working as if we are finely tuned instruments, tuned in to the rhythm of nature's cycles, allows for the symphony of life to reveal itself in it's true form.

When we look in our mirror, some of us may think we need to use the mind to think about what we need to change.  Although most of the time, we need only to observe the thoughts that are already running through the mind in order to release them.

Some may think we need to see what we need to change.  Although our perceptions are already tainted by the beliefs we already hold inside.

Revealing what's inside takes time.  Like a tightly closed bud of a flower, you must allow yourself time to open to your true divine nature.  Since nature is our greatest teacher, let us look at how nature shed's itself.

When a fish swims in the ocean, its life force is vibrant and the fish itself plays a part in the energy and play on life that resides in the ocean.  When the fish dies, however, its body floats to the top of the ocean.  It is then carried to shore by the waves and deposited onto the earth to return it's physical manifestation back to earth itself.

In relation to us, our patterns are like the fish.  They are real energies, playing a part in our universe.  But looking with our eyes, we can not see them.  Like the fish, should we look for it in the ocean we would not see it.  It would be buried in the sea somewhere and very hard if not impossible to see with our eyes.  We can not force our fish or patterns to surface to the top of our ocean, so how do we allow nature our natural selves bring the issues to the surface that we need to shed?

It is during the process of yoga that we can excavate these stored patterns and emotional issues that keep us in a perpetuating cycle.  By being present and moving with our breath, we allow the breath, or waves our internal ocean, sweep the issues that need to be cleansed from our ocean to the surface.  It takes no effort on our part.  Only to be that of what we already are.  Using the tools that nature has already given us to bring our ruts to the surface.

Sometimes during practice you may think I feel better but I don't really know if it's doing anything.  The feel better is the first sign. Then you will find that you want to be healthier, eat healthier.  Then one day you'll have a sudden realization, such as "wow, I've been thinking I need to do this all my life and it's really not true.  I can do what ever I choose to".

Yoga is already built into us.  We can choose to practice traditional yoga, or we can choose another form of yoga, one that brings us to the present with our breath and moves our physical beings to release stored emotions.  This could be running, where your breath is moving through the body and your thoughts are minimal and the mind is quiet, or even walking, being conscious of the breath and reflective of the mind.

Try practicing one form of yoga for yourself for one week.  At the end of the week measure your feelings and how you view your life.  Ask yourself, "Do I feel any different?  What difference do I feel?" From there you have a choice to continue to integrate this yoga in your life.

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