
Make it Count

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During several of his speeches, Michael Jackson not only remarked about the lessons he learned from Mahatma Gandhi about using the media as a non violent weapon against the atrocities against humanity,  he also addressed an end to war, and a commitment to help the children of the world.  "Children are our future.  If not us, then who?  If not now, then when?"

I have added a page called "Return to LOVE" for listing organizations committed to helping the world return to a state of acceptance, tolerance, and LOVE for humanity.  However, I received the following video this morning and was moved to post it here to share their efforts.

All to often in this world we have fallen prey to those who are power hungry and manipulative with money and violence.  Michael himself was violated many times by those who were more interested in power and the all mighty dollar than they were in the betterment of all peoples.

During this time in history a great many people have chosen to come to the planet to facilitate great change.  Although some of us may feel that we alone can not make a difference, I want you to think about that again.  Anyone who has made effective change in the world started as one person:  Gandhi, Jesus, even Adolph Hitler was one person.  So was Michael Jackson.  Everyone starts somewhere and with the tools and resources we have today, we are able to come together in great numbers to not only speak out about the world's inhumanity, but actually do something about it.

Our Planetary Peace Project has included Somalia, but we'd like to expand that area to the entire continent of Africa.  I invite you to watch this video regarding some events that have been transpiring in Africa and ask that you might consider joining the efforts to bring about change.

There is a repeated message in Michael's songs, his lyrics, and his speeches.  Man in the Mirror asks you to make that change, it starts with us; on the inside and the outside.  Heal the World, We Are The World, and so many others are there to remind us that effective change MUST START WITH US.

ANYTHING you can contribute makes a difference in this world.  Your thoughts, your prayers, a dollar, one quarter, it all counts.  There was one thing that Michael said to me after he passed that still sticks with me to this day.  I had just had my divorce finalized and was trying to figure out what to do, what direction to go with the rest of my life.  His words to me were:  "Whatever you decide to do, make it count."

So my words to you are, whatever you decide to do with your life, please, make it count.  Make that change.

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