
When the Dancer Becomes the Dance

When does the dancer become the dance? Although some of us may have read this a dozen times or more, others may have never read the poetry written by Michael Jackson. In his poem "Dancing the Dream" printed below, as well as many of his songs and other poetry, Michael speaks about something beyond the current state of the conditioned human mind. Samadhi: The Height Of Divine Consciousness

In a state of samadhi, there are thoughts and ideas coming from various places, but while you are meditating, you remain undisturbed. The consciousness of samadhi can never be truly explained, it must be experienced. It is a form of a very high consciousness, there is no mind; there is only infinite peace and bliss. There nature's dance stops, and the knower and the known become one. There you enjoy a supremely divine ecstasy.

I believe Deepak Chopra has probably explained it best. Deepak was Michael's friend and in many ways, his teacher. I've never seen very much on this side of Michaels life brought to light, but I believe we've come to a point in history were it needs to be noticed. The consciousness of the planet is changing. As it changes, many of us will begin to experience different energies and changes, sometimes wondering what is taking place.

They say that many twin flames will be reuniting at this time. This is a monumental event and in some instances a rejoicing for those twins on the other side of the veil that still await our return. Many of us will be returning to our twin rays at the end of this earth evolution. I know I have not explained twin flames precisely, but for the time being I'll explain how these twin flame reunions and divine consciousness effect each other and the planet.

Michael was one of seven (7 - yes, there's that number again!) of my twin flames. Everyone has twin flames. If you don't have one on the earth at this time, most likely they are in spirit and are helping guide your life. The twin flame relationship is purely spiritual. Although it can be physical, there are times when the personalities that have been developed by each of the twins don't mesh and a physical union isn't feasible. Physical unions can also be prohibited by karma, other relationships and an unawareness of the spiritual relationship. Twins are basically part of the same energy from God that manifested us into being. If we were to kick that up a notch, as Emeril Lagassi would say, we would have to agree that we are all from the same energy source; God, Allah, Jehovah, the oneness (which ever term that is preferable to you). Twins, however, as the energies split from the God source were together for the longest amount of time. To get back to that source when they first split and come back together, they must both enter a state like samadhi. In other words, you must both be on an upward spiral of consciousness in order to recognize the other in this physical manifestation and three dimensional consciousness.

Michael was there from a very early age. I suppose I'm the slow poke of my group and it took me a while longer to reach a state of acceptance. However, when both twins (or we can say two twins of the seven) come to this place and then are brought together in a physical space in this three dimensional world something quite miraculous happens. The two then enter a state of samadhi together and the consciousness of everything and everyone around them is effected. It would be like putting a drop of blue pigment into a glass of water and a drop of red pigment into the same glass. The visualization would be that both pigments would blend, making the color purple and that color would blend itself through the entire glass of water. This is how the entire consciousness of the planet will be effected. With more twins reuniting than ever before in human history, it is bound to have a huge effect on the vibrational frequency of the planet as a whole and is a very exciting time to be here . . so enter the year 2012 when the world will change from it's old vibrational frequency to the new.

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