
Michael Jackson Tribute Concert Outrage

I noticed Michaels absence yesterday. It seemed unusually quiet to me and when I asked Michael what was wrong he wasn't responding.  Then I went on facebook and posted on one of my friends sites was a picture of Blanket crying.  It was from the Tribute concert and thought that must be where he is.

This morning he is speechless.  He is very upset and has used some very strong words here, so I'll caution you.  This isn't from me and made up, this is what he wanted me to say, so please, again, please don't shoot me.  I'm only the messenger.

"I can't believe the outpouring of love, however, to use my children as pawns in a show that generates thousands of dollars in the public eye is wrong.  They are not an extension of their father to be used in such a ridiculous manner.  I am appalled at the use of my children in this manner.  My family is broke.  They need money and will go to any ends to get it.  They should not be using my children as pawns.  I am outraged at the fact that the funds for this concert will not be used in the manner appropriated and will be taking advantage of the general public.  There is so much more behind the scenes I wish you could see.  Publicity and stunts like this, the lies, are what makes the business of show business so terrible.

My kids deserve a childhood.  They are not pawns to be used in a show to bring my family or anyone else money.  I am heartbroken.  These are my kids.  If I ever knew that it would have turned out this way, I would have never had them; and that's the truth.  I love them, so much, but they are destroying them.  Prince, Paris and Blanket didn't want to do the show.  They are doing what they are told.  That's what kids do.  Listen to me please.  Please use this as an opportunity to shelter your own kids from this kind of abuse.  Using them as pawns for your own means."


Michael  Jackson"

So, yes, very strong words and accusations here.  I checked, oh about a dozen times with him to make sure that's what he wanted to say.  So I'm posting, and cringing inside at the same time . . .yikes!!!

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