
Twin Soul Separation Anxiety - A Lesson from Master Oogway

If you've felt the presence or even a "knowing" that another part of yourself is inhabiting the earth, then most likely you've also felt "compelled" to bring the two of you together.

In nature, everything takes its place in due time.  The flower blooms only when it's ready, not the day you'd like to see it bloom.  The tides rise and fall, not when we want them to, but when nature allows the forces to create the movement.

Twin flame soul mates are the same.  The force of the two have been created in and by nature.  As such, the two souls are also aligned in nature.  Simply put, nature must take it's rightful course in order for the two to "bloom" together.

This isn't always an easy idea to digest.  As humans we feel as if we are in control, and once known to us we most often feel the task of coming together with our twin soul should be an easy one.  It's not.  We have been conditioned to think that we are in charge of all aspects of our life and in some instances we are.  However, when it comes to nature even man must have to admit he has no control over the floods, the tides, or the hurricanes.  Nature has it's own rhythm, it's own cycle, and it's own time.  Such is the same for twin flame soul mates.

Spiritual relationships are "spiritual".  Being created in spirit, not by man, the spiritual forces that bring the two together are governed by the same forces in nature.  All forces will transpire when the time is right for a meeting, a message or a union with a flame.  In the meantime, we must realize it is nature's way, not our own, that makes way for the flame.

Just as roses have thorns to protect them, our flames may also have their defenses.  Blocking, ignoring, silencing and running are common themes among twin flame soul mates.  In nature we have been created from source.  That source is the most potent and powerful in the world - love.  Yet man has not master "love" as much as he has not mastered the tides or the winds.  True love, the divine aspect of us all, can be very overwhelming.  So powerful can the feeling be, most may deem it scary, unheard of, or simply not know what to "do" with it.  In the case of twin flames most often it's nothing we have to "do" at all.  It simply is what we need to "nurture".

Sometimes on this path you may find yourself hating the connection as much as you love it.  As twin flames drift from and to each other they will always come back to each other - always seeking wholeness and completion the way nature intended and the way nature magnifies the two towards each other.  No matter what you do, what you say to yourself or to your flame, if the relationship is truly a twin flame soul mate relationship, the two of you will eventually make your way back to the other.  It's simply how nature intended it to be.

Kung Fu Panda has a delightful story about this illusion of control we as humans try to imagine ourselves as being.  In this story imagine it is the peach that eludes you.  Your twin flame, no matter who he or she is, that isn't here at this time with you or isn't acting the way you would like him or her to act.  Most likely even though you may not like where you are at sometimes with this other part of yourself, you simply can't just walk away.  There is something inside of you that knows you belong together.  And as the master says, instead of wishing for something you don't have at this time, you simply must see the wisdom in nurturing the relationship itself.  In doing so, you nurture own being and that of your twin soul.

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