
The Story of a Soul

I was given instruction last night to write.  Another book?  . .  perhaps. Along with Michael and our mission, the Brotherhood of Light is assisting and instructing us to write.  We have written the first part of what seems to be a rather interesting start.  When they gave me the title, I have to admit, I thought it might be a scientific type book.  With pictures and found science to back it up.  But today as I sat to write from their instruction the story unfolded into just that... a story.

Here is the first part of what is entitled "A Story of a Soul" directed by El Morya El of the Darjeeling council from the Great White Brotherhood:

The Story of a Soul
Tap into your subconscious.  See yourself as a point of light glimmering in the midst of your mind.  What do you see?  A light, a figment of your imagination or is there something more to the mystery that is you?

For many eons of time there have been countless talks of wisdom through the ages about where man has come from.  Has he fallen from the stars? Appeared out of thin air or grown into a man by a mere ape already existing on earth? These questions have plagued mankind for ages. Now it’s time to discover the essence of the soul itself.  That which makes you you and that which makes me me. Who is stronger or wiser than another but he who seeks to know himself.

Here is the accounting of the creation of a soul. A wise seer that sat at the end of his bed looking for answers to the mysteries of life.  He who seeks, shall find.

A long time ago in a cabin tucked in the back of a wooded area sat a man in his eighties. He contemplated his life. Ran through the moments that had preceded him in various forms.  The birth of his daughter, the lightening that struck his house, the war that he had once fought in, and the wife he took to be by his side.  The story was the same from men who came to the same place in their lives time and time again.  He had been looking, wondering, what the real meaning of his life had been.  Just then he came upon an angel dressed in disguise. Her hair was smooth, her figure outlined in the glistening sun.  He was taken back when she spoke softly but silently to him without speaking a word.

“Come with me”, she said.  Come, and I will show you the way of the soul.  Not knowing what to do, the man immediately got up to close the window.  Perhaps he was hallucinating. Perhaps she was a figment of his imagination.  But as he drew near so did she.  Coming closer she again whispered into his ear “Come with me and I’ll show you the way of the soul.”

As she instructed the man humbly took her hand, almost bowing his head in obedience.  Reaching out, she grasped the old man’s hand and brought it to her lips.  “Now you shall know me the way you have known yourself your entire life.”  He whispered words that weren’t audible.  It seemed his throat would not allow him to speak.  He began to feel a tear glide upon his cheek and the tear grew into a blossom of rain.  It showered upon the floor and flooded the cabin as the man became overcome with emotion.

How could something so wondrous happen after all of these years?  How could an angel seemingly sent from nowhere become manifest in this very room?

He stretched his imagination.  Perhaps it was his time.  Maybe she was there to guide him on his journey  But with that she fled, trailing the old man behind her in the glistening sun’s rays.  They followed the light until they were immersed it.  Ceasing the opportunity to become the light themselves.  The man was overjoyed.  How wonderful the feeling.  How incredible this little journey. 

He could sense everything around him as if it was him.  The light, the shadows.  How they played on the angels face.  And the cherubs sitting in the corner, giggling at his shocked expression. 

She brought him closer once again. “Take my hand once more.  I’ll show you the heavens.”
With that the man again clasped her hand.  They journeyed higher across the sun and into the universe itself.  Full of stars against a mighty black void, the universe seemed to swallow their little lights glistening still in the void.  As he noticed, his sense of tininess in the ethers, he proclaimed to the woman.  “No more. Take me back.  I feel as if I’m disappearing”.  “Exactly” she responded.  “That’s how you’re supposed to feel.  All beings that come and go from this universe go from the sun and into the void.  When you were born on earth the angels sang your praises.  The divine part of your soul still lingers here for all of eternity.  We only ask that you return.  Come back to your true self.  That part of you that exists beyond all measure of time and space.  The part of you that was born of the sun and not that of man.”

His words were shaky, but he spoke “Who have I been born from?” he asked “The sun” The angel responded.  “How can I be born from a planet?” the man asked in confusion. The angel smiled with a little laugh.  “It’s not the planet itself my dear, it’s the source of it’s power that has animated your soul.  The force of light is so strong it intensifies the rays to mother earth in ways in which we can only explain.  She has sent you to become whole once again.  To expand your awareness, to gain mastery of yourself and then live in the wisdom and light that was born unto you.  You don’t need to be afraid, but aren’t you curious as to how you came to be?”

“Of course I’m curious”, said the man.  “But how can you explain to me when you yourself are not a mere mortal?” “Ahhhh” she said,”but I once was.  You only see me now as an angel because that’s what I wish for you to see.  Once I was a woman holding the hand of a man just like you long ago.  I wore a white gown and spectacles.  I shivered in the cold air night after night waiting for my husband to return to me.  He never did.  I wondered for many years why a man that seemed to be so loving would desert me and abandon my soul.  When I got here I discovered that his soul was already living inside of me.  It’s the same for you.  You only have not realized it yet.  She’s in there just like me.  We are all living together on this side, but you can only feel you when you are on earth because that’s all you see.  When you learn to feel that you aren’t what you see, but what you are inside, you’ll come to understand that I was never alone and you never where either.  We all come with a purpose.  Something that needs to be done to help us grow.  Here we grow in the light. On earth you grow by the lessons you bring to yourself through the divine force.  What makes you you, isn’t you at all. It’s all of us.

If I were to take your hand and you take mine, you’d feel that I had a warmth that radiated into your hand.  You’d know I had your hand by feeling my hand inside yours.  When you are born you still have the light that created all things within you and that’s how you and I and everyone you see on earth are formed together and connected in the deepest recesses of the soul.  This is the mark of the ancients.  The ancient knowledge from long ago lost to civilization.  When man stepped foot on this planet all was lost.  His memory of his true self vanished and along with it the wisdom that great masters had given him before his entry onto the planet.  At this time there has been a long and running race to declare mankind as the race of one once again. No more divisions in states of honor, statesman, political parties or race.  His true identity is and belongs with the all.  His face has shown here many times and he harkens back to him his children.  The god you pray to is the same god everyone on earth prays to.  His name is Jehovah, YHWH and the master of all things.  Jehovah is his holy name but many refer to him as the creator.  The master of all things the wise counselor or the mighty one.  I am one of his messengers sent here to tell you about the coming race.  The race of the I AM.  Where ever there are people that gather together in the name of YHWH there are souls attracting to them the ingredients necessary for the salvation of their very souls.  To know oneself in his own conscious memory is a very powerful thing.  You must be diligent at consuming all negative thoughts, all patterns of rejection to return to the true source of your being.  These ones that I speak of have managed to transcend their former selves and come into the light of the I AM.  God or YHWH sends his messengers to them asking them to return to the whole.  As they do they leave behind their wisdom.  Some may leave books, others songs.  Some will even write on walls just as the ancients did in the Egyptian cities.  The sun god Rah was actually a messenger for our kingdom.  His face shown like the sun because he was so powerful and brave.  His name still resonates with those on earth as does the many masters like Jesus, who have come to show man the way.  If just one of you had become ill in his presence the light that shown from his arms would have engulfed an entire nation and healed the sick.  Uplifted the poor and brought peace back to mankind.  But that was not his mission.  His purpose in that life was to uplift humanity.  Allow them to find the path for themselves.  Why would he want to possess all the powers that be when he knew his people whom he loved dearly had the same power within them?  What good would a fisherman do if he caught all the fish for his village?  Would he not starve the people once it was his time to go?

Leaving the earth wasn’t an easy choice for him.  For in years prior he had come to know many hungry fishermen.  One such man was named Thomas, the doubting one.  He was one of Jesus’s favorites.  How wonderful he thought it would be if he could convince this doubter of thy faith to come to the kingdom with him.  To believe in his works as Jesus did in his.  Then, and only then, could he have hope for the salvation of all of humanity.  So he led Thomas and many others down a path of riches.  Not of the flesh but of the spirit.  Spiritual riches are like light seeds born into the body.  Thy have the power to transform any thought, any emotion or any vibration into a greater aspect of itself.  When they are bestowed upon you you don’t suffer any longer.  You are the living light.  The one that created you is also in you. Therefore, you are able to create the promises god made to you by requesting them yourself.  Temporal riches are those made by man.  For as many dollars as you might have today tomorrow they will decrease.  For as many sheep for you have herded, they will eventually disperse.  Nothing is constant more on earth than the constancy of the soul.  That light never goes out, it only needs to be uncovered.”

Mark Of the Ancients (written by Michael Jackson)

He had lived in the desert all his life, but for me it was all new. "See that footprint in the sand?" he asked, pointing to a spot by the cliff. I looked as close as I could. "No, I don't see anything."

"That's just the point." He laughed. "Where you can't see a print, that's where the Ancient Ones walked."

We went on a little farther, and he pointed to an opening, high up on the sandstone wall. "See that house up there?" he asked. I squinted hard. "There's nothing to see."

"You're a good student." He smiled. "Where there's no roof or chimney, that's where the Ancient Ones are most likely to have lived."

We rounded a bend, and before us was spread a fabulous sight — thousands upon thousands of desert flowers in bloom. "Can you see any missing?" he asked me. I shook my head. "It's just wave after wave of loveliness."

"Yes," he said in a low voice. "Where nothing is missing, that's where the Ancient Ones harvested the most."

I thought about all this, about how generations had once lived in harmony with the earth, leaving no marks to scar the places they inhabited. At camp that night I said, "You left out one thing."

"What's that?" he asked.

"Where are the Ancient Ones buried?"

Without reply, he poked his stick into the fire. A bright flame shot up, licked the air, and disappeared. My teacher gave me a glance to ask if I understood this lesson. I sat very still, and my silence told him I did.

from the book
**DANCING THE DREAM by Michael Jackson**
(published 1992)

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