
Twin Flame Meeting Intercessions

Although we've taken a little break from posting while writing the book, I've had several people ask about the Brotherhood of Light and the karmic board.  I feel compelled to share more information regarding twin flame soul mates and their path because of it.

If you have incarnated into the earth plane with your twin flame, there is most likely something within you that tells you that something profound is happening underneath your every day conscious life.  The twin flame relationship is a soul relationship.  It is that other part of you that is connected divinely to another.  That connection is never broken, but to connect to that other part of yourself you must transcend your former self and begin to climb the ladder of ascension.

I can't speak for all flames or all soul relationships, but from my experience I can tell you that the deepest soul connection that you have with your flame is in divine love.  That is love from the heart center and will eventually, if not already, transcend into love for humanity.  Just like Jesus the Christ.  Speaking of Christ, that's exactly where you will be headed.  In ascending you are reaching higher, to be closer to god.  All that you wish and desire is to be close to your creator and in reaching you will come into contact with your own Christ self, the I AM presence.  That presence is where your flame connection is as well.  If it is brought to attention to by both parties your connection will seem stronger, for now your consciousness has been set on it.  It no longer only resides in the unconscious state of unremembered dreams or out of body contact or conversations.

At some point in your journey you will come to a point in time that you will make a conscious decision to live like all mankind lives now or break your binds and seek a higher path.  In doing so you will give yourself up in service.  You'll realize there have been others that have gone before you.  They have graduated the earth school and in turn, extend their hand to help others do the same.  These earth school graduates are often termed "ascended masters".  It is said that Jesus himself had assistance from those that even were before him.

I believe other sites make a distinction between ascension and twin flame soul mates.  I might be out on a limb here, but I do believe uniting with a true flame is a fruit of the labor of ascension.  The two, in my opinion, go hand in hand.  Being a relationship of the soul, we are all created and connected at some level, however flames unite when the soul is ready to graduate and part of the graduation is given in service to humanity.

That brings us to why flames incarnate on earth.  They incarnate for service to humanity.  That's why they say twin flames always have a "mission".  It is that mission that will always come before any romantic involvement or earthly relationship.  Many people try to fit the flame relationship into a human mold and it's just not the fit that works.  Flame relationships are about an all encompassing love, dedication and service to humanity.  Unfortunately, or not, we can't fit them into a neat and tidy earth concept box.  Yet us as humans try and when things don't go the way "we" think they should we question why and even begin to think that we might be getting punished in some respects.  As one person put it, why would you be given such a close connection with someone if you couldn't come together?

I had these same kinds of questions and it wasn't until Michael died did I get answers.  That was a long time though.  Many years of wondering and many times being told not to approach him, or on the other hand to go to certain functions.  The people doing the telling were the Brotherhood of Light.  I had made a determination at that time to serve with them.  That my life be used in service to the father.  Although we have free will and I could have approached Michael I did not - even with him looking directly at me.

To watch something like this not knowing probably looks pretty crazy.  But when you give yourself in service you learn along the way to listen to your advisers.  These are the ones that know your karma, your mission, and why both you and your flame have come.  They see things from a better perspective than you can on the earth plane.  Your faith in them must be strong enough to trust in the higher purpose and mission you have been given.  You will be tested, many times, along the way.

That said, it's not in any way a picnic and not an easy thing to do.  Walking away from a flame and not knowing why is probably the most difficult thing you can do.  Looking back I do know why they made the decisions they did then.  Yet at the time, I did not.  That being said, there were times when I petitioned the karmic board for intercessions on our behalf.  This means I consciously sought the council of these great ascended masters to intercede and allow us to come together.
For those of you who have read my book, you'll know in one session I was vehemently denied. The denial came because it would have interrupted our mission and therefore our purpose in coming to earth to begin with.  I now look back at that time and where I was and although it would have been super fun to be with Michael, I know I wouldn't have been strong enough to endure what was ahead.  I most likely would have died along side of him and no one would be left here to further our work together.

But all was not lost at all times.  There were times when this same group helped us come face to face.  It was during these face to face physical meetings that the expansion of our energy ensued and that all powerful third energy was able to be created.  Ascended masters do and will make the way when the time is ready.

That said, should you be in a similar situation, you can take a request to the karmic board.  These masters don't take things lightly, so let that be said first.  They know your mind, your thoughts and your intentions.  Twin flame unions are major deals, so if you decide to ask for intercession, know what you're asking before you do.

The process is simple.  If you've come this far, you've most likely been given some guidance already.  Your intention should be firmly planted in our mind.  That intention should be reviewed before seeking counsel and before going to sleep.  Sleep state, the unconscious state is important here because the counsel resides on the other side of the veil.  You will have to journey out of body to meet them.

Before going to sleep state to yourself "I will seek counsel tonight for meeting ...... and I will remember their answer to me by awakening".  In this sense you will be afforded to meet with them and awaken upon their response.  Karmic board members make decisions but they are not final.  Although if you are truly a being of ascension and truly trying to accomplish something with your flame, I highly suggest you take their advice.  At some point you may even realize you simply can't go against it.  It's just not in you any more.

There are other methods as well.  You can write them a letter then let it burn, visualizing the letter being sent through the ethers, however, the above method I've found to work best.  In this way you know what they have determined, and you are assured that when and if you are to come together on the earth plane, your meeting WILL BE divinely guided.

More soon . .