
Other Michael Jackson "Twin Flame Soul Mates"

I just received a sweet link from a friend searching for her twin.  It made me realize that I had forgotten what it was like searching for the truth on my own.  Many things happen in our lives that we search to find answers for.  Some things seem unexplained and magical.  Those are the things that perplex us and we try to find meaning for.  Yet each time we reach for an explanation, most often we reach from our own conditioned thinking and within the realm of our own perceptional lense.

Everyone looks at what happens to them differently based on what they believe and what their experiences have been.  For those with "special" experiences with Michael Jackson, and there seem to be many, I'd ask that you hold these experiences in your heart without judgement.  Many times when something spiritual happens we want to define it by an earthly name, and in this instance it seems many are defining their experiences as "twin flame".

You might have noticed I changed the title of this blog some time ago for that reason.  Any experience that someone else has had does not change my own.  And, if someone else seems to think they are Michael Jackson's "twin soul", who am I to say they are not.  I only know my experience.  I know what I've come to find out about those experiences and I changed the title to Becoming One because of that.

I work with many guides and Michael has brought me many other people to meet from the other side.  I did not seek to connect with Nelson Mandela, but he came to me.  That doesn't mean he is my twin flame.  What ever definition we put on "twin flame" it doesn't hold water on the other side.  We are creations upon creations, all connected to the same source and in that we are also connected to each other.

When Michael passed he entered into consciousness.  I felt that consciousness literally expand the whole globe.  Believing then that others have been touched by his spirit is not out of the question.  It was matter of fact expected.  Yet we have to be careful as we come to this age were our spiritual realities begin to merge with our physical reality.  Remember, the world was once flat.  Later they found it was round.  And by that I mean we cannot "label" our experiences with anyone in one slot or another even though the human mind might want to really, really try.

I write about flames because in my definition of them and from my experiences it's what's held true for me.  I started the blog as Michael's twin flame only to lend some form of relationship to him in telling the truth about his death and how I would know.  Connections come in all sorts of degrees.  Our perceptions of them vary.  There are many young people looking for information that run across bad information on the internet and elsewhere and because of some I've even thought to take this blog down.  But I feel it's important to not only share experiences at this juncture, but to be open to other peoples beliefs and experiences, even though they are not like our own.  This doesn't mean to believe everything you hear or read.  On the contrary.  Like anything else we must weigh our decisions and beliefs based on how it feels for us.  If you are reading something, trying to validate something, seek your inner wisdom first.  Not someone else's opinion.

Everyone's path is different and we all have different thoughts on what that path is.  Michael Jackson had an image and a heart that reached throughout the globe.  Of course everyone still loves who and what they thought Michael Jackson was.  I honor that for him and for each one that loves him.  That's exactly why we are here.  To love and care for one another.  Labeling and/or taking ownership of another person, however, is wrong.  I don't own Michael.  I can't say he is mine.  He belongs to the world as does Nelson Mandela, Elizabeth Taylor and even you.  We each have a special place in the universe and a special song and purpose to fulfill.  My work with Michael and our connection serve a purpose and I believe I know what that is.  If you feel you have a connection with Michael and feel the love inside, I hope you explore it further and find what you can do with that love to help heal yourself and the world around us.  We are here residing in ONE consciousness.  Make your time here count.