
Trecking Upward on the Path - Are You Lonely?

Loneliness.  It's almost a sure sign that you are missing a twin flame.  We instinctively know that something is missing; a part of ourselves.

Most often we have traversed our path, learning lessons along the way, noticing patterns at play in our lives and doing the best that we can to change for the better.  We might begin yoga. get counseling, enroll in a twelve step program, anything and everything to help us "feel" better and live a better life.

We continue down the road, knowing that eventually it will lead us to the one place of unconditional love that we seek.  The treck upward is lonely, for as you ascend there will be others that do not.  Relationships with the opposite sex will not be so easy because you have witnessed your patterns and released them.  Some old relationships will fall away, simply because even your energy vibration has changed.  You will not allow yourself to get caught up in the patterns of your past again.  This simple mark and progressive step will be a marked event towards twin flame union.

It is at this stage of the journey when we have a tendency to turn back.  What's the use we might say, to do all this work and gain nothing?  What we don't see is that gain in the material.  Perhaps we look at our lives and wonder why we might still be lonely, maybe wonder why there isn't some one at our side when we have been working so hard at becoming whole.  The answer is simple.  You simply will not settle for anyone else at this stage except for the one that makes you whole.

Discrimination in relationships, inward contemplation and living from a place of grace and love are the hallmark signs of the treck upward.  There will be those who will test you on your path.  Those that try to control you.  Those that try to manipulate you, but there will always be an underlying knowing of where you want to be and who you are.

When you arrive at this stage and you feel the world is so very different from yourself, that everything you have worked for has been in vein; remember your progress is not to be shown with only your eyes, for it is the eyes of the soul that know the true progress and love you have been so willingly working at all your life.  Your true reward is not outside, it is in.  For when you have come to the place where we call home, nothing will be able to stir you again into thinking you need anything else but the love you have worked so long to regain - the unconditional love of you; your twin flame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Debbie, for your comforting words to a lonely, seeking soul. I am looking forward to that glorious meeting with my twin flame. Let me fill you in on a secret of mine: I already know her name, know what she does and know where she is. Just can't get to her yet.