
Love - To Infinity and Beyond

What is love all about anyway?  Who can tell what it is to love or what it is to feel love?  We have set out on a journey in our lives to find the one we believe that will make us whole.  We compromise ourselves to get what we feel we need from that person.  Sometimes we risk everything we have and other times we don't see the writing on the wall and stay in relationships that no longer serve us.

Who among us would believe that the real love we seek can only come from ourselves.  That by searching for someone else to fulfill all our needs we will never get them met.  We may go from partner to partner, person to person always looking for that "special one", when in reality our special one should come from us first.

Maybe you have heard it before.  Some Buddhist practitioners have even said "become that which you seek." If you want to find someone you can trust, be trustworthy yourself.  If you want someone to love you unconditionally, love unconditionally first.

There comes a time when you have to choose.  What is right and appropriate for you may not be right and appropriate for someone else.  As you progress in your ideas and knowledge in life, your mind will change bringing you new insights on what is right for you.

Relationships with others are never wrong.  They always teach us, and if we are wise we will heed best the lessons they teach us about ourselves.  For in the end we are faced with only one person - ourselves; and it is the love that we take with us there that will be with us forever.  Searching outside ourselves then only prolongs the process, for when we speak of twin flames the love is to infinity and beyond.  This is all encompassing, never ending and a soul love that lasts forever.  But the first love must always start with you.

1 comment:

Reni Sentana-Ries said...

Debbie! If I could I would give you 5 stars for this one!! Wow, you are good in understanding and insight! I could not have expressed it better myself. But where are the other readers of your site with their comments? Am I the only one?

The popularity of your site has dramatically increased lately, but I don't like myself being the only one giving you the recognition you deserve. With respectful appreciation.. -Reni :-)