
Soul Mates - Perceived Idea vs Reality

When we say he or she is our "soul mate" we are inferring that they are the "perfect" one for us.  Little is known or talked about when it comes to the technicalities of soul mates.  Like how many can we have?  At some level we are all connected, so doesn't that kind of make us ALL soul mates?

In the human concept of perfect love, we tend to think our soul mate is someone who will be a perfect match to us.  They like the same things, they even drive the same kind of car, but are these relationship really perfect?  In true soul mate couplings there is always growth.  For when you achieve perfect unconditional love yourself can you only recognize it in another part of yourself.  Too often we expect the other to be perfect for us, without taking into account that we ourselves aren't perfect yet.  This process of realization that we must work on ourselves first to accept people as they are and not for who we wish them to be is one of the steps in integrating to the true twin flame soul mate.  Jealousies, demands, control and power plays are those things that come from the ego and not from love.  Soul mates, or our perfect loves, come from the soul.  That's why they call them "soul" mates right?  Our souls don't have an ego, we do.

Perfect love then is when it is all encompassing, accepting and overflowing.  It is the same type of love that God would flourish upon you.  He wouldn't judge you because you are black or white, wouldn't hold the fact that you crashed the car last year against you for years.  He would just simply love you.

Striving to love unconditionally this way not only brings a warm, fuzzy feeling, but it frees us from holding within us negative energies that stop our lives from being loving.  Loving unconditionally although it sounds selfless is probably one of the best things we can do for us.  Ironic isn't it?  That when we give up the need to control others and "just love them anyway" we are actually setting ourselves up for the greatest love of our own lives.

So this weekend, be free, be loving and be kind.  What you decide to put out to the world will always come back - whether you want it to or not.


Reni Sentana-Ries said...

Hello, Deborah! The most recent information on soul mate technology is from Captain James Galiac (a star ship commander), who tells us that "twin flames" (also called "twin souls") we have many, and they are mates fairly well to near perfectly matched mates to our own soul's dispositions and level of evolvement. So in a union with any of them we can experience much joy and be together with in much happiness, and can learn from and assist each other in evolutionary growth.

However our ultimate goal in this life (and definitely in our future incarnations) should be to find and unite with the ONE AND ONLY, OUR TRUE "SOUL MATE," who is the one and only "other half of ourselves," and who is also the one we started our set of incarnations with, but got separated from during the course of time.

And the reason for the importance of finding and uniting with that "one and only other half" is the fact that a perfect match to our own DNA exists in only one from among all twin souls. We may hear people say: "But what is the difference?" Well, the difference lies in the degree to which our happiness in bliss can be guaranteed. So for the experiencing of ultimate bliss in a union we need to come together with the one who matches our DNA perfectly.

If we do not mind to make a distinction between a "twin soul" or "soul mate," then, yes, we do have many soul mates, many of whom we in this life we never meet.

However I like to make a distinction between the two categories, for our highest goal should never cease to become united with that one "soul mate" who matches our own Self best. A tall order indeed for someone on an upward journey, and that "upward journeying" is a must, for unless we find ourselves on a pathway of spiritual evolution to becoming higher-evolved human beings, we will never be granted the opportunity of meeting with that particular special "other half" of ourselves.

There is one other comment I like to make to your article, but I will make another posting out of it. See you later.

Reni Sentana-Ries said...

I am signing in again, Debbie! I have difficulties with accepting for myself the "all encompassing, accepting, and overflowing love." My own love is not "unconditional," for if I can love (which I can), I can also hate. The emotion of love is on the same scale as the emotion of hate - both are feelings to which we are all capable, and they therefore cannot be separated by placing them on different scales.

The theory of "love only - and never hate" cannot exist in the real world, just as much as any higher-evolved "god" or "goddess" is not capable of doing only one thing, without also being capable of doing the other. In fact the capability of either feeling the emotion of extreme love or extreme hate is accelerated the higher-evolved we become as we climb the ladder of our personal progression.

We measure everything we observe in others by how they act - either toward ourselves or toward others - and our own moral compass determines how we feel about what we observe in what they do by either loving them for it or, conversely, hating them for their wicked deeds.

What I just said is consistent with the understanding that our Universe exists in a duality state between good and evil, where the "good" we love, and the "evil" we hate.

I do not love people in whom the demon arises in manifestations which hurt me or my fellow man.

Okay, talk to you and your readers later. Bye!