
Purification Before Union - Remembering Past Lives

Most of us think of only our physical body and maybe our emotional or mental states when we think about the concept of ourselves.  We often have a tendency to forget that we have four lower bodies:

1.  one that is physical
2.  one that contains our thoughts (mental)
3.  one the contains remnants of our past lives and soul (spiritual)
4.  one that contains our emotional make up

We can know some of the things we have to clear up this lifetime by reviewing our lives and listening to our feelings.  Sometimes, however, we have repeated patterns in our lives that are actually driven by events and attitudes of some of our past lives.  Some yogis believe that when we reincarnate that the soul is energetically attracted to those parents and situations that are of similar vibration.  This means that we will be in a set of similar circumstances until we figure out how to over come them.

There are some techniques you can use to purify some of these bodies so you can start to remember your past lives and begin to live consciously and continue elevating yourself into your I AM presence.  There are two methods I'd like to share with you today.

One is the invocation of the violet flame.  The violet flame is descended upon you by initiating a decree and calling it forth:

 "In the name of the Christ I call to my blessed I AM presence for the white light of protection and the violet flame of transmutation."

Visualize the violet flame burning all around you and transmuting, or changing everything that is not of pure love and light into your best divine essence.

Violet flame usage was banned for quite some time, but is now able to be dispensed and used for our personal growth because of an ascended master named St Germain.  He is instrumental in our current state of affairs and is leading the way for us to enter into the Seventh Golden Age; an age of enlightenment and peace.

The second technique that I like to employ is the use of yoga itself.  Most people think it is only stretching, but they fail to realize that if you continue to stay present with your movements and continue to stretch the bodies (that's plural because whatever happens in one resonates to the others) we begin to release information.  I liken it to a rubber band stretching.  When the rubber band is stretched out it pulls the molecules apart allowing the release of "stuck" energies.  These energies are then moved and released.  Many times this will give way to the memories that have been stored in the bodies as well.  You will experience sudden realizations of why your life is like it is or why you have repeated things in your life unknowingly.  Even begin remembering the past life events as well.

Both techniques are wonderful tools and absolutely marvelous ways to purify some of the bodies.  Past life remembrance gives way for healing and acceleration on the path.  Most often it comes slowly.  Like waking from a dream.  Maybe you will get flashes, have dreams, or feelings.  Paying attention and keeping this in the back of your mind, you'll begin to put the pieces together and make sense of it all.

This is just another step before final union with the flame.


Anonymous said...

Hello Debbie,

I was wondering, is a twin flame always somebody with whom one can feel a telepathic connection since birth and other things such as seeing the other person with mind's eye and feeling what he's/she's feeling etc? Or can a twin flame also be somebody with whom one doesn't have this kind of a telepathic connection, but there is for example a strong feeling that they've known before and maybe belong together, without knowing that they're actually twin flames?

Thank you! =)


ElevenSeven said...

Hi Riikka,
Good question. It depends on your definition of a twin flame. MOST often one or both twins will have some kind of soul connection manifesting in the consciousness that will include out of the ordinary experiences. Twin Flames are an extraordinary "soul" relationship that is actually sharing in the same energy so it is almost impossible not to. If there is not a telepathic connection or any other "sharing" of soul information, but there is a strong feeling that you should be together and have known each other before its most likely another type of soul mate. Twin souls have that "romantic" connection and can be very good relationships. Twin flames on the other hand, can be very testing.

All in all I don't think the "name" we put on a relationship matters as much as how we feel. All relationships are necessary and imperative to our growth. Whether or not it is a flame should not make a difference. Only that YOU feel you should or should not be with that particular person.

I hope that helps and thank you for writing.
Love to you Riikka,
Deb :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

thank you for your answer, it was very helpful. Oh yes I forgot that twin flames and twin souls are a different thing, so it can be a twin soul relationship or some other thing because there are many options. :) But it's true, all relationships are important and the definition doesn't matter at all. =)

Love to you too Deb,