
The Man in the Mirror Project - Truth and Light

What is the one thing you would like to reflect to the world?  Your cunning ability to be shrewd, a winning attitude or light and love?  The choice is ours, however, most of us don't realize it is what we fill ourselves with that we project out to the world.  If it is hatred toward ourselves, that is often what we project to others as well.

We have talked much about misqualified energy and soon I'll be posting a video to explain exactly what it has to do with the flame process, but it is in this energy created by us that we lose our standing in God' s light.  Often we lie to even ourselves in coming to terms with who we are.  No one is honest with everything about themselves.  Sometimes the man in the mirror we see looking back isn't all that pleasant and who wants to admit unpleasant things about themselves?

Sometimes we act selfishly, sometimes we lash out at someone else because we are unhappy with ourselves. It is easier to cast blame and point the finger on someone else than it is to look at our own unhappiness, but it perpetuates our patterns and dims our light.  For as long as man has been in existence the ego has always tried to take our attention to other things to distract us from the truth.  Outside or in, we are still in a constant battle of being conscious of the patterns at play within us and outside of us.  Our internal patterns will be made manifest on the outside and the outside patterns that have been perpetuating society are manifest not only in the world but within each individual we come into contact with.

There is a mirror here, that if we reflect long enough we will be able to see the truth.  When we do we will also transform the lies we have told ourselves and society into light.  What role do you play in your everyday struggles?  What have you permitted to permeate your life?  Or, more importantly what have you done or not done to change the way you feel about life today?

Maybe you are completely happy in light and love already.  But if you're not, there must be some kind of misqualification of energy going on.  There is something you are thinking that is not in your truth.  Who are you?  Where did you come from and who and where do you want to be?

Our path to light and love can come from two places.  One is to be curious like a child; about yourself and about your world.  The other is to know thyself - in truth and in love.

1 comment:

Reni Sentana-Ries said...

Hi, Debbie, is it ever so difficult for many people to dare face themselves "in the mirror" for all the ugliness in their lives! It requires internal fortitude, integrity, and a willingness to remodel one's self image into becoming a pleasant person on the inside as well as outside (in our attitude toward others).

The best and most efficient way to do this is in the form of a re-connection with our higher selves, which is always willing to assist us to achieve that ever so desirable goal.

Of course that takes humility to recognize that something is wrong with us, otherwise there will be no motivation to ever become better people than what we are. How will we ever become evolved people unless we conquer the ego which keeps us from evolving? And here ego is not to be confused with self-respect. Self-respect only comes to us when our actions are matched to create it.

And finally: Thank you again, Deborah, for accepting me as your friend on facebook. -Reni