
Unlimited Potential

Have you ever heard the saying that "with God all things are possible"?  What if you were Him, the God force himself, acting out in the world and orchestrating your life.  What would it look like?  Where would you be and how would you like the world around you to change?

We all have within us the divine seed that allows us to be like God.  We have a seed, a power for greatness that can only be realized when we allow it to come through.  We can try to "think" ourselves there, or say the words, but to truly realize that power, we have to "feel" it as well.

There is a favorite song of mine done by the Jacksons called "Can You Feel It".  The songs lyrics are:

Can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!

If you look around
The whole world's coming together now.
Can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!
Feel it in the air
The wind is taking it everywhere.
Can you feel it,can you feel it, can you feel it!

All the colors of the world should be
Lovin' each other wholeheartedly.
Yes it's alright,take my message to your brother and tell him twice.
Spread the word who tried to teach the man who is hatin' his brother,
When hate won't do
'cause we're all the same
Yes the blood inside of me is inside of you.

It's a favorite because the words are so indicative of what the truth is.  That we are all part of one another and the force that connects us, is also connected to every other living thing, the force of the divine.  It's moving in the world even now as you breath and when you do with each breath you have another opportunity to live your life differently.  To do something miraculous in your life to change it.  Not because someone tells you to, but maybe because it's just something you "feel" you should do.  Not because it makes sense, but because it "feels" right.

Going with the "feelings" are sometimes only  going with the knowings of the divine force within you.  It nudges you along, silently whispering where you should go.  When you start to pay attention to it, you begin to realize that your life is part of a divine matrix that when consciously entered into allows you to have unlimited potential.

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