
Twin Flames - They ARE You

I've read many times that your twin flame IS you.  It is the other half of you and while I believe that is true, I also believe that this statement is seriously misconstrued.

When I first heard about the concept of flames it was in the late 1980's.  At the time I had my own set of definitions.  If I was any kind of "twin" it must mean that I was exactly like the person I was a "twin" with.  I recall making a checklist off at the time.  I had suspected Michael was my twin, but upon further inquiry of the concept and my beliefs about it at the time, I dismissed it.  I began to think of the differences in our lives.  He was a famous musician, I was in the accounting field.  He was black, I was white.  He was Jehovah Witness, I was raised Catholic.  At the time, he didn't eat meat, I did.  Accordingly, I quickly dismissed it.  It must be that I was only picking up on him psychically.

Through the years I learned that it was not the personality part that the twin flame part of you was referring to, it is the soul part.  On a soul level, we both loved children, we both had an innate desire to heal the world, we both gave our money to charities, even as young children, we both loved music, we both loved dance, and we both painted and drew.  These are the aspects that are the YOU of the twin flame part.  It is comprised of the natural abilities you have come into the world with - the true you that you discover on your path.

If you think about the lifetimes you and your twin have spent apart you might be overwhelmed to know the billions of thoughts you created and manifested during those lifetimes.  The personalities that have developed through different parents, different cultures, different societies.  The karma you have created also plays an intricate part.  All of this comprises the personality.  Some "personalities" or lets call them "egos" don't necessarily mesh with your twins - even though they may indeed be your twin flame.  For this is the part that must be shed, cleansed away, so that the bright shiny part of your soul can be exposed.  Here is the YOU that is also your twin.  The rest is just packaging.

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