
A Halloween "Ghost" Story for Twin Souls

Because this is a twin soul blog, today we thought we'd post something on the path that some people might not think about.  Twin flames, twin souls are spiritual relationships first and foremost.  Most often if you are on the path you are developing spiritually.  It would stand to reason then that you will begin to experience other phenomenon as well.

There is a stage in the twin flame relationship when there will be others who will not like the two coming together.  You may get interference from people on the earth plane and/or people in spirit.  In 1995 I had spirit interference.  As I wrote about in the book "Another Part of Me - An Extraordinary Tale of Twin Souls" someone was interfering with our communication.  Some readers of this blog have  said even now that Michael has passed there are imposters posing as him.  I can tell you that this experience is the one that helped me know what is an imposter and what isn't.

In the bible they talk about knowing someone by their fruits, the gift of discernment.  This is one area that must be experienced in order to learn it.  So back in 1995 I feared my interference would have a negative effect on my twin.  I told Michael I thought I had a ghost and thought it best not to communicate with him for a while.  I feared that it would have a detrimental effect on both of us.

Little did I know at the time that I had told a few people about our "connection".  I had trusted them, but instead of supporting me they became jealous.  To my face they were kind, but in the end it was the people closest to me that were the biggest deceivers.

Michael wrote a few songs about this time.  One I enjoy is posted below.  It's title is "Ghosts" and if you listen to the lyrics you may find it eerily similar to our story.  It's a short film and depicts the "monster" that people made Michael out to be.  When he says he is not alone you'll notice the spirits behind him - are they dressed in clothing from the French Revolution?  I don't know . . maybe you can be the judge.  Whatever the conclusion that you draw, in the end we will all have ghosts of jealousy.  The real lesson, however, will come when we learn to transcend them.

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