
Michael Jackson in the Unbounded Ocean of Consciousness

Some of you may be aware that one of Michael's very dear friends and inspirations, was a man named Deepak Chopra.  Dr Chopra is a writer, teacher, doctor and philosopher in many ways.  If you've ever read the book Dancing the Dream, a book of poems and reflections, you'll see Dr Chopra's dedication in the front.  There were many spiritual seekers and teachers Michael had the great opportunity to meet and converse with.

Recently David Simon, M.D., a partner in education with Dr Chopra passed.  I was saddened by the news.  There are a great number of people on the planet who lend their whole lives in helping others discover their true spiritual natures.  Sometimes I think of the volunteers at the soup kitchens.  They are there, but no one puts them on the news, pays them, or gives them credit for their work.  So in a way I'm posting this to give David Simon, M.D. his due credit.  To thank him for the multitudes of people he served while he was here.  In another way, however, I'm posting it for the Michael Jackson fans who have had "experiences" lets say since Michael's passing.

Sometimes the every day person is unaware of the how or why things happen.  When we don't know about seemingly mystical experiences they can be scary, unnerving, or we begin to create stories in our minds about what they are all about.  That's just how we operate as human beings.  The how, in some of these experiences is very well stated in Dr Chopra's message about David Simon, M.D.  He stated very clearly "to merge again with the unbounded ocean of consciousness".  Think about that statement.  Then think about what Michael Jackson's message was when he said heal the world, we are all one.  This ocean of consciousness permeates our planet.  When Michael left, he too merged with that unbounded ocean.  Now he's not just in the body, the consciousness of who he was is everywhere! 

Another respected teacher and friend of Michael's here in the states is Dr Wayne Dyer. This video gives insights on who Dr Dyer thought Michael was.  


In Honor of My Friend and Dear Brother, David Simon >>

Dear Chopra Center Community,

It is with a heavy heart that I share with you today the news that Dr. David Simon has passed away. David has been my friend, partner, teacher, trusted colleague, and younger brother for more than twenty years. He has touched my heart, influenced the way I think, and expanded my spirit. David approached life from a place of pure potentiality and unlimited possibilities. His wisdom, courage, and love will continue to inspire all of us for decades to come.

In his books and workshops, David loved to share poems from spiritual masters who lived many centuries ago yet whose beautiful insights into love and our eternal nature continue to resonate with so many people today. David's favorite poems were reminders that while we appear to be separate, limited individuals, we are all expressions of an infinite divinity. Here are a few beautiful lines from the poet David called "my beloved Hafiz":

The Sun Never Says

all this time
the sun never says to the earth,
"You owe me."
what happens
with a love like that -
It lights the whole world.

As a talented physician and author, loving father, husband, and dear friend, David shared his unique gifts with the world. Through his dedication and authenticity, he helped so many people go beyond their limited perspective of themselves and reconnect to the love, joy, and peace of their true selves.

I have felt privileged to work closely with David for many years, and I am grateful that we have had the opportunity to develop seminars, retreats, and programs on mind-body healing and spirituality. While David, as he would put it, has now let go of his temporary human disguise to merge again with the unbounded ocean of consciousness, the gifts that he gave so freely during his life will continue to benefit and inspire everyone he touched through his words, wisdom, and heart.

If you would like to share your thoughts, prayers, and intentions for David's family, please visit lovefordavid.com.
Love, Deepak 
       Deepak Chopra, M.D.

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