
The Planetary Shift - This Is It

I promised to post who else is helping in the movement for planetary peace and for the raising of our consciousness.  If you remember we are in the year 2012.  Mayan prophecy, as well as many other modalities around the world have told us that the consciousness of humanity will be changed like no other time in the history of our planet.  That global shift is happening right now.

There has been evidence all over the world.  The banking systems, war, and our personal lives have all had upheavals.  The time has come to review what we have been doing, become conscious of it, and change our lives and planet for the good of all.

Many times if twin souls are to be in service together, there are "sponsors" that volunteer to help the twins   come to a point where not only their service can begin, but what kind of service they together will be able to offer.  Sometimes the sponsors are referred to as "divine guidance".  It's been said that it was some of these beings that helped others in other times of great spiritual advancements in our history.

These "sponsors" are most often from a group called "The Brotherhood of Light".  If it sounds strange at first, bear with me.  Most often the reason it sounds strange is because we are conditioned to think of the only "real" beings to be physical.  In terms of our planetary evolution and our "real" selves, you must realize that you are, in fact, a divine creature created from God.  That is in it's most perfect form in the spirit, not the flesh.

So these sponsors from the Brotherhood, often are what they call ascended masters.  You probably know one right off the bat.  His name was Jesus, and ironically, or not, he came in physical embodiment just about exactly 2000 years ago.  During his time, he served with his twin flame who was Mary Magdeliene.  Maybe you've seen the DaVinci Code, or read the book.  There is some nice insights available if you haven't.

What's special about the 2000 year mark and the year 2012 is that most souls can only ascend every 1000 years.  Meaning if I don't make my ascension this time around, I spend another 1000 years on the planet.  There are only a select few that are able to leave their rounds of incarnations on earth when they make their ascensions (meaning they have fulfilled their karma by at least 51%).  The others must stay on the planet to sustain the "light" until the rest of us can hold our own "light" in time.

So here is this big movement, this time in history when so many souls who have already or are ready to ascend that have either come to the earth or are sticking close by so that they can help the rest of us lift our veils of illusion that we are all separate and truly begin to live in harmony with one another.

My sponsor is Saint Germain.  If you look up any information on him online, you might find that it is he himself that is taking the reins in the movement for humanity to become whole in higher consciousness.  You may also find that we spent other lifetimes together trying to achieve the same thing, including Michael Jackson.  You will also find that it is he that said he would find Marie Antoinette in another lifetime to make sure she was given the teachings by him.  If you read any of my previous posts you will now know that that was me and Michael Jackson in that lifetime was Mozart.

What does that mean?  It simply means that St Germain spent a lifetime with both Michael and I.  That lifetime happened to be called "The Age of Enlightenment" in Paris, France where the same kind of work was transpiring.  This time since Michael's ascension, the work will be more widespread.  Michael and I both serve on the seventh ray.  This is St Germains ray for freedom.

St Germain has given the purpose for our incarnation, and that will be to help unfold the patterns or "ruts" as he calls them in the minds of the many.  He works along side other masters, such as El Morya, Quan Yin and many others.  All forming the group called The Brotherhood.

The interesting thing about The Brotherhood is when they first introduced themselves to me and I asked their name they told me "It is not I, but we.  When you think of yourself, think of us.  When you think of us, think of yourself"  This was one of the most profound statements I had ever heard in my life.  There was no ego.  The statement, simply put made it very clear that "WE ARE ALL ONE".  There is not a me or a you.  When we act we must always think of the "us".


Troika St Germain said...

It would have been nice to receive CREDIT for my painting of St Germain (which clearly says Copyright 2006, Do not Copy or Print without prior written permission) AND my also copyrighted writing.
After all, that would be in alignment with the INTEGRITY of a spiritual being, as Spiritual Beings do not steal.

ElevenSeven said...

Please accept my apologies as I did not realize I was stealing from a non profit organization who's written intent was to spread St Germains word and his teachings. The Saint Germain I know believes that we act as ONE with his message and teachings for all sincere seekers.
I question your intent with his images, however, I have taken off the material you have requested.