
For Joe Jackson and the Family

Sometimes I am afforded the opportunity to be of the benefit of a "nanny".  I've been put on a "nanny cam" for the past week with Elizabeth Taylor as Michael has been busy attending to other matters. Joe Jackson, Michael's father, has had a little downtime recently. He is in our prayers and it has been impressed upon me strongly to give him and the family this message.  If you've felt him lurking around, you can bet he's been keeping an eye on you.

"It's the little things that show up in someone's life that show to them that there is someone there that cares about them.  Too often the words go unexpressed, feelings get hurt and there is an upset in the family. I want you to know how very much you are loved in every way. Your dedication to our family and hope for the future has always brought us together in ways no one could have imagined.

During this time in your life, I hope you know how much you are loved and supported.  No one knows what the future will bring, but I can tell you that what ever happens I am there to support you. Being there for someone doesn't mean you just show up.  It means you take the time to say you care and find the words to express yourself in a fashion that lets the person know you'll be there for them always.  If you ever feel alone, know this:  It's not what you did or said but how you made me feel with what you did for me.  I felt love when you were there for me, when you supported my dreams and when you went out on a limb to stress the importance of family.  I won't give up hope for a future that is brighter than today.  I won't be the one that will let you down.  I'll see you again when the time is right.  For now, know that I love you and that I'm here to support you, always.  Love, Michael

P.S. If you see me in your dreams, know that it's real.  No one can tell you how something is. Sometimes you have to experience it yourself."

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