
YHWH, Twin Flames and DNA Evidence; The High Priestess Story

High Priestess Tarot Story

"Continuing his journey, the Fool comes upon a beautiful and mysterious veiled lady enthroned between two pillars and illuminated by the moon. She is the opposite of the Magician, quiet where he was loquacious, still where he was in motion, sitting while he stood, shrouded in the night where he was out in the bright of day. Sensing that she is a great seer, the Fool lays out his sword, chalice, staff and pentacle before her. "The Magician showed me these, but now I'm in a quandary. There are so many things I could do with them. I can't decide."

The High Priestess doesn't speak. Instead she hands him a pair of ancient scrolls. Seating himself at her feet, the Fool puts his decision-making on hold and reads by the light of her crescent moon.

"I did not know any of this," says the Fool. The scrolls, like a secret manual, have given him insight into his new tools. "This information helps me to narrow things down, but I'm still afraid of making a wrong decision."

The words come to him then, not from without but from within: "What do your instincts tell you?" The Fool reflects on that, and that's when he knows what he should do. Decision made, he rises to leave even though he suspects that the High Priestess has more secrets she could reveal to him--like what lies behind the pomegranate curtain. Right now, however, he is focused and ready to be on his way.

Thanking the High Priestess, he heads off. But as he leaves he hears that inner voice, rising like the waters which spring and flow from beneath her throne: "We'll meet again...when you're ready to travel the most secret path of all."

And so it was as the Magician partook of the knowledge from above, as depicted in the illustration, bringing it down in the form of a scroll that sits upon the lap of the High Priestess.

The scroll is labeled "TORA" with one letter hidden.  It is the same letter present in the name of God and the same letter that represents the union of two opposing forces joining ; "H"

The story tells of a secret path.  One that has remained hidden from the world.

"All souls are pre-existent in the world of emanations, and are in their original state androgynous, but when they descend upon earth they become separated into male and female, and inhabit different bodies; if therefore in this mortal life the male half encounters the female half, a strong attachment springs up between them, and hence it is said that in marriage the separated halves are again conjoined; and the hidden forms of the soul are akin to the kerubim"  source:SacredTextsKabbalah

Two opposing forces, one male and one female, present in the symbolism of the letter "H".  Two joining forces from above(in the I AM presence or Christ presence) and also as we come to the world card, below:

"The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool.[2] The figure is at once male and female, above and below, suspended between the heavens and the earth. It is completeness. It is also said to represent cosmic consciousness; the potential of perfect union with the One Power of the universe.[3] It tells us full happiness is also to give back to the world, sharing what we have learned or gained." source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_(Tarot_card)

When I thought about this concept, my mind returned to the psychic reading I had done back in 2012, posted on the side bar.  At point 20:45, the psychic had told me that Michael would bring some very deep knowledge.  I believe that the path to that knowledge has remained hidden in tarot cards like these and in other ancient texts.

Some of it stems from conversations.  When a few weeks ago I was honored with the presence of YHWH I questioned why he appeared to be a man.  And when I questioned the way that the world could overcome evil, I was given only one word:  "Tetragram".

The Tetragram is the word for God: YHWH.  In my head I wondered what the significance of it was.  Do we say it?  Write it?  Pray about it?  But it was none of those things at all.

Many things that I have posted on the blog have come directly from spirit. The Brotherhood of Light has been the source of a great many things we've written about and very rarely will I question what is being said.  In reviewing some of that information today, I ran across some posts we did around Christmas time during 2012.  Those posts were entitled "The Twelve Days of Miracles".  This site was rarely visited during that time, but the questions were given to inspire faith.  Their idea was to give me 12 questions and at the end of the responses, one person would be afforded a miracle.

I have to admit I was skeptical.  I suppose that's my nature.  In this day and age we rarely hear about actual miracles, let alone those being performed when told they would be given.  However, it was in reviewing these posts that I found the answers to the response by YHWH himself.  The meaning of the tetragram.

I have to admit I was surprised that all of things have circled back to one another.  I sit in amazement most times finding the missing pieces.  The questions they had me write were very specific.  I remember that time wondering (and hoping!) that they would give me the answers to questions I knew nothing about.  One question was "What is the name for God?"; their answer: "YHWH" Another question they had me write was "What is Yod?"  The answer to this one took me by surprise today.  Yod, they said, is "the vehicle in which humanity will receive the higher consciousness vibration."

In the tetragram YHWH, Yod is the first "Y".  By it's shape you can see that it is open to the heavens. You might even relate it to the I AM presence as it is often shown above a persons head.  The next letter "H", symbolizes two forces joining together.  Similar to the representation in the tarot cards above; two opposing forces join together (male and female).

Now the two in the second letter "H" of YHWH, now together as one, bring us to the forth letter, "W".  These two, now one, go on to the next stage of evolution.  The exact path we've been speaking about all along. The first step being that of opening and joining with your own I AM presence, before uniting with your twin.  The next stage of evolution being whole (represented in the "W") and onto the next stage of creation, joining forces with another great and potent force; the universe.

So why then was YHWH represented to me as a man?  One that looked like the man in the paintings done by Michelangelo?

The question seemed simple enough.  The answer, however, was a bit surprising.

We've said before that we are creations upon creations.  This world is only one in a "universe" of worlds.  YHWH and his consort, Asherah, are the two in union that govern the manifestations of our world.  There is yet another force presiding behind YHWH and representations of both YHWH, Allah, and many other names have been associated with these "creators" in every religion of the world.

It is extremely unfortunate, that mankind has abused this knowledge.  Personally, I feel very angry that the men who decided to hide this have done so for so long.  They have willfully led the world astray and this in and of itself has led to the current rut, or cycle, St Germain has spoken of so often.

If we are not given the knowledge that we can transcend ourselves into our higher form of divinity, we continually come back into this world reincarnated, seeking the same knowledge while still being denied it.  This has made all of us repeat our lives without ending because without knowing "the way" we become trapped in the same world in which man has altered the truth.

Where then do we find truth?  The truth resides within us.  As Jesus said "Know thyself", "The Kingdom of God is within."

My family was catholic.  I recall my grandfather having reverence for the church and even giving his last pennies for blessings from the pope.  Yet today I look upon our history and wonder how it was that the Roman empire that murdered Jesus now stands as his official emissary.  Why after all these years can a church that came to be after murdering all of those who opposed it, can condemn others that now do the same.  I think of the witch trials, the crusades and the political abuse that many have suffered all in the name of Jesus.  Now we have other holy wars and the cycle continues.  All because we have a select few that decided which rules and "truths" they would divulge to the "common people".  Jesus, by the way, was one of the common people.

Hiding what I will call the "divine feminine", is a disgrace to God himself.  For without the woman, there can be no higher transcendence from this world.  Even upon our Christmas tree, which is taken from Pagan faith, there sits a star; the exact symbol for woman which sits on top of the ever so famous shape of the triangle (blade), known to represent man.  This is indeed the path to the upward spiraling life of the eternal.

My recollections of our past bring to mind all that was of the female form hidden from texts and from the public.  Jesus has not spoken to me because I go to church.  He has spoken to me to represent the truth.  As we've stated before, it was not only men that were the disciples of Jesus.  For even at the Crucifixion, represented here by Michelangelo, there are three women:

"There were three who always walked with the Lord: Mary, his mother, and her sister, and Magdalene, the one who was called his companion. His sister and his mother and his companion were each a Mary."

For those of us who need a little more "scientific" evidence, I've posted a few video's below.

The first is the new discovery by Gregg Braden.  A message from our creator, discovered in our actual DNA.  Where then do we find truth?  The truth resides within us.  As Jesus said "Know thyself", "The Kingdom of God is within."

The second is about the discovery evidence relating to God's wife, Asherah.

And last, but not least, is the painting I did years ago.  There is a woman painted behind YHWH. Perhaps she was meant to represent "Asherah".

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