
Twin Flame Soul Mates - Making the Connection

A little while back someone had asked how I used to consciously connect with Michael.  Most of the time it seemed to happen automatically.  We had been doing it for years before I knew he was an actual person.  When you find out it's true, that there is someone actually you are connected to, it feels crazy; for it challenges everything you "thought" you knew about the world.

There is a song called "You Are Not Alone" that could be the anthem for many twin flames.  The lyrics mention two specific times at the end of the song that are best for making connections with your twin.  They are:  "(You just reach out for me girl), in the morning, in the evening."  

I know I have mentioned before that these two times are the best because most often you are relaxed and more importantly as you begin to drift into sleep there is a space where you can be conscious yet almost asleep.  This is the space when the connection can most easily take place.  You are no longer living in just your conscious mind, you are beginning to make access to the subconscious mind and as such, your very soul.  If your twin flame is a part of your soul he or she will be able to come through your very being.

There are several different ways you may hear your twin, you may even just feel them.  Perhaps in the beginning you might hear a word or two or just sense a silent understanding.  Most often it is in the solar plexus area that you can hear them from the strongest.  Twins reside "within" you, not outside, they are a part of you.  This is an important distinction because any wayward spirit can claim to be a twin and take you on a joy ride,  but a twin flame remember is always already a part of you.  There is no need for "merging" on the physical, true twin flame merging will always be in the higher spheres.  You cannot merge physical bodies.  Unless you want to become someone with four arms and two sets of genitalia it doesn't even make sense.  Possession, on the other hand, will take on the gross physical features of another disembodied soul still stuck in the astral realms.

Twin flames take another flavor.  For here you are becoming one and are already one on higher planes.  This is why connections on the earth will be easier with them than with others.  You know instinctively that this other person is already a part of you.

When you lie down to sleep or when you just wake up, try to quiet yourself.  Let yourself drift as if you are going to fall asleep.  In that space, begin to consciously connect within, focusing within on the heart and solar plexus area.  Begin to feel the warmth there, you may even feel a burning sensation.  Control the breath as you focus so it is slow, deep (exhaling all the way) and methodical.  Focus your thoughts on searching inside of yourself for your twin.  As you do, ask in your mind any questions you would like them to answer.  "Where are you?", "Do you hear me?", "Are you on the earth?"  Continue searching within yourself, relaxing and breathing deep.  The answer will come from the solar plexus area.

Sometimes it might be easier to visualize.  If you try to make contact during a meditation you can visualize the space in your mind.  Again begin by quieting yourself, controlling the breath and breathing deeply.  Imagine a castle.  Begin to see the castle as yours, even down to the little details. Does it have flowers outside?  What does the walkway look like?

As you walk up to the door, see what the door looks like.  Open the door.  Inside is a space that has been designed just for you. Every piece of furniture, every fixture and item has been placed there just for your joy, happiness and comfort.  Enter into it and explore for a bit, then make yourself comfortable.  Sit for a little while feeling the space, the protection of the castle walls and how nice it feels just to be "you".

When you are comfortable, glance out the window.  As you do, you will see a bridge.  The bridge is connected to another castle.  That castle belongs to your twin flame.  When you are ready, open the back door to your castle and ask your twin flame to meet you on the bridge.  Begin walking on the bridge to meet them.

Above all, remember it is your heart and theirs that will always be connected.  You are NOT alone.



Anonymous said...

That castle imagination thing was beautiful! :)

It came to my mind about that possession part that I have read that in the Hollywood music and movie industry it is very common that if somebody wants to become famous he/she has to sell his/her soul for fame. Michael has sung about in a few songs using the term "selling a soul", at least in the songs Privacy, Scream and Money and in some of his other songs the subject is also there but it is more in the form of allegory. I used to think that it is just a figure of speech but I've seen so many interviews from different singers who talk about selling their souls and some singers have even talked about having "somebody" inside of them that has a mind of its own and wants them to do bad things. So it seems to me that they are talking about possession. :O and that Michael never agreed to any of this and that is why he was haunted so much by the press and some other people because he was a threat to the dark side of the industry. I know this is a gloomy subject to discuss but it is something that many people would just think to be fiction but I think it can be very real. I do hope that if there is a way to get out of being possessed that people would get out fast because it is a dangerous path to take.


Reni Sentana-Ries said...

Riikka, I agree with you. Allowing a negative entity or essence to take control of anyone is a dangerous event to see happen. It throws the person out of balance, where negative thought and deed manifestations take over to drown out the positive in which we should all be committed to excel.

I do not believe Michael Jackson displayed behaviour in his life which would make us come to the conclusion that his actions indicated traits to make a "possession" conclusion credible, and neither did you in your comment make such a claim about him. Being twin flame material indicates a level of character evolution which would exclude that possibility. And in my own understanding of this matter a connection with one's Higher Self is necessary, which in its own right indicates soul evolution.

I decided to respond to your reply for I share with you your concern over any soul which sells itself out under the control of energies where positive character traits are severely compromised and the individual loses control over his or her own actions.