

Rejuvenation:  the reversal of aging and thus requires a different strategy, namely repair of the damage that is associated with aging or replacement of damaged tissue with new tissue.

Starting over is sometimes one of the hardest things to do.  We often build ideas and thoughts around who we are, what we look like to others and supply our own ideas about what it is we think we should be doing in life.  When something happens, however, that shakes these believes and when things begin to fall apart we are left with nothing else to do but to start over.

The loss of a job, the loss of someone we love, the loss of a family member or even the loss of our own identity can create a state of wonder and confusion about who we are, or more importantly, who we thought we were.  The idea in life is not to live a definitive existence, yet most of us try to create a box around that exact idea.  Asking children who they want to be when they grow up, explaining to people what we do for a living instead of who we are; the latter being the harder question to answer. 

If I own a house, have 2.5 children and am happily married, does this mean I am happy and successful?  If I own two houses, have several wives and 8 children, does this mean I am happy and successful?  If I own nothing and sleep on the street in a box, does this mean I am happy and successful?

The real answer to any of these questions is only found in one place, our own hearts.  For one may be perfectly happy sleeping in a box and another perfectly miserable having several wives.  So there is no definition for being successful that will fit us all, yet we constantly strive to become that which society dictates to us as successful or "the norm".  Starting over is a blessing.  Starting over means you get another opportunity to review your life, see what has worked, what has made you happy and what hasn't and then to begin again in your own way and on your own terms.  Rejuvenating the concept of who you are and why you are here.  Discovering the real you and not the "canned" idea of who you should be.

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