

In life we often find ourselves in situations that seem to be complacent or stagnant.  We long for something more, maybe more meaningful or exciting.  Often times we seem to settle for what ever life brings us, not daring to look beyond and see what could be.

The orchestration of the universe is a familiar hum.  Along with it is the complementary instruments and rhythms of time, space and manifestations.  Looking at ourselves this way may allow us to bring forth something extraordinary from our beings.  Something magical can happen when we allow ourselves to dream of what could be instead of focusing on the reality of what is.

Our imaginations can be a powerful force to begin the first notes of our most greatest symphony.  A note here, another there, and soon there is a rhythm and timing that begins to unfold that the human mind can hardly grasp.  Pictures, feelings, longings from long ago begin to display in the minds eye something wondrous and bright, yet vaguely familiar.

Allowing ourselves to dream isn't just for children, for within us all is a child that really never grows up.  Who doesn't long for that doll you wanted when you were little or the fast car with the red stripes that you always had your eye on.  Was the excitement you felt within the thing that you wanted or in the feeling it gave you?

We all need to dream, we all need to look beyond ourselves to something brighter, something magnificent in order to begin to orchestrate ourselves into the fabric of time and space.  This is our birth right.  To dream the biggest dreams and climb the highest mountains we could have ever imagined.  So today take one small step and begin to dream one of your best dreams yet.

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