
A Soul Mates Purpose

December 21, 2012 is not a doomsday on the Mayan calendar!
As it was noted in Maria's astrological forecast yesterday, our lives our changing.  We are definitely coming into the new consciousness.  It is evidenced in many things around us and within us.  If you've ever heard of the statement that the Mayan Calendar predicted that the world would no longer be the way it was, it is my opinion that the statement holds the very truth of this new beginning of consciousness.

But before we can begin something new wouldn't it stand to reason that we must first dismantle that which used to be?  Our banking systems, stock market, the way we treat each other and the way we thought about ourselves and the world.  These are the patterns I have been going on and on about that I believe is the reason why Michael Jackson and I shared a connection.  Because twin souls come together for a purpose it is in that mission that the two will be united.  If you remember on a previous post I spoke about an event called Heal the Kids that Michael had back in 2001.  It was at the event that we merged spiritually more than at any other time previously.  I'd like you to think about it logically and with reason, because everything that happens to and with us happens with purpose.

Thinking about that event ask yourself what it was about.  If you review his speech you'll recognize that he was speaking about the child parent relationship.  The sole function of that organization was to help parents heal so that our children, our future, could get the nurturing they deserved and needed to make it a better world tomorrow.  I realize, and I think Michael does too, that his words were sometimes taken as flowery ideals.  But I'm here to tell you there was much more power and information behind his actions and words than anybody ever realized.  Helping parents heal, meant breaking down the patterns and cycles of the past.  Paying attention to what we were doing and nurturing the child within us all.

Michael spent much of his time talking about children because it was the inner child within him that was hurting.  That's why it was so emotionally overwhelming for him to see another child suffer.  No matter how old we are we all have an inner child.  That is the part we must heal within ourselves in order to give to our children what they need to begin a new cycle.  Breaking down the old cycle and pattern and creating something more healthy and nurturing.  That's what purpose we share together and what I will continue to do.

For soul mates, I realize everyone has a different opinion.  I know most people still think that it is their ultimate romantic love.  I want to continue to write and talk about this because I feel it's important.  I don't think it matters if anyone thinks we have one true soul mate or ten.  To me those are just logistics.  And while we are on that topic, I don't feel threatened or uncomfortable about anyone else saying they are Michael Jacksons soul mate.  To me we are all soul mates, we are all connected.  In my world, I act as one with my spiritual counterparts.  Their mission is mine.  The love they give, I give as well.  That's how it works.

But for anyone to think that you can have a "perfect" love when they themselves are not perfect yet boggles my mind.  This is the way I see it. We all have an eternal yearning for the perfect opposite polarity because I think we know somewhere deep inside us that it exists.  No one told you to start liking boys, or to start liking girls.  It is a natural pull - some may say a magnetic attraction.  So where does our idea of perfect love come from?  I have a sneaky suspicion it's from the same place, don't you?  No one told you it exists, but somehow you feel it might be there somewhere.  The reason is because when you where created you were created out of perfect love.  This perfect, unconditional love was God love.  Michael spoke about it all the time.  It was God he gave credit to for just about everything in his life.  His love for his creator and the master Jesus was beyond description.  He tried to emulate that love and did so by allowing it to flow through him.  This is spiritual love, an all encompassing love. 

We've been away from that perfect love for a long time.  We created many patterns and  ideas about how things should be.  We have many energies within and around us that influence us that are not God created.  So to think that we can go from being an imperfect being to being in a perfect love doesn't make sense to me.  You must take steps to get there.  Soul mates are there because not only are they part of your soul, but they are there to remind you of the lessons you need to learn to get back to your perfect love.  They mirror to you what you need to heal.

I can't publish all of my journey in this one little post, but I can tell you that on my path I have found the soul mates that have treated me the worst taught me the most.  If you think back on your life, try to recall those people in your life that treated you poorly and ask yourself what you learned.  It is in that very experience that you may find the exact thing that you need to heal within yourself.

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