
Stepping Out of the Drama

Some people play by the rules, and others draw their lives out of the lines.

A criminal will play on the odds of not being caught.  Like a gambler, they gamble at the chances someone may do something, say something, or bring the crime to anyone's attention.

If they've drawn enough attention to themselves, they'll believe they hold the upper hand.  They'll go out of their way to make people believe their the good guy, doing right and being honest and respectable.

But those of us that know better we see through the deception and the web of illusion.  In ascension, you learn how to "discern" the true intent of any given soul.

In the world we live in today, they're not many that would believe that spiritual receptiveness or god like qualities even exist.  We have been so focused on the external world, we find it hard to believe anything but our own thoughts exist within us.  I beg to differ.

Our connections are vast and in any given instance someone can catch a thought, view a glimpse or hear a word or phrase said about them or someone else.  No ear is closed in the world of spiritual truth.  We have two ears and one mouth for a reason.  And for those of us that listen more than we talk, we'll find that we'll always hold the cards of the truth.

Truth isn't popular.  It's not egotistical, it's not rampant, and it's not closed minded.  Ego on the other hand, is critical; it's deceptive and it is argumentative.

When people stand in their truth, they stand silently, knowing that what they hold is true and powerful.  When truth comes it comes in the force of a vibration that rivets the fabric of our very creation.  There is no stopping truth.  It's not one's ego that enforces truth; it's the universe itself.  All negative energy seeks resolution through situations and people.  And there will always be people and situations to offer their assistance in resolving that energy.

When faced with negative situations and people, it's best to know ourselves and to know who is trying to engage us in the dance of deception.

Most humans live in a state of consciousness that likes to engage in drama.  A book entitled "The Celestine Prophecy" written some years back, gives the example of humans trying to "draw in" the victim by enticing them into a dramatic conflict.  An insult, a lie, an argumentative tone will all set the bait for an unconscious person to start the dance.  Once "hooked", the dance ensues and the baiter gets exactly what they want; more drama and the energy of the other person.

But who baits, who engages in these unconscious patterns and how do we recognize them?  There are key signs to look for:

  • A person who insults you directly.
  • A person who insults you while trying to be polite.
  • Someone who doesn't know you, but is making assumptions and statements about you.
  • Someone seeking to control you.
  • Someone eager to ruin your reputation.
  • Someone wanting to isolate you by talking to other people about you.
  • Someone who wants to divert your attention, because they want you to "not" look at something else.
  • Someone trying to manipulate you into doing what they want you to do because they'll derive some form of benefit.
All of these situations are on both a personal everyday level and on a grander public level.  Many people will try to ruin the reputation of a rising star because it may suit their purposes. While a jealous co-worker may try to sabotage your work, because he or she will want to "appear" better. Most often our "ego" engages.  We'll choose to fight back, to gossip back, to talk about that other person as well.  Yet when we refuse to engage any unconscious pattern thrown at us, we then take the power away from the baiter and leave it to reside in ourselves.

As Jesus said, know yourself .  Know how you will react to any given situation.  When someone tells something untrue about you, how will you feel, what will you do? If you let the untrue statements "in" and they become your own thoughts, then you have allowed the "outside" world effect your "internal" one.  If you engage in the pattern of the ego to "be right" for the sake of being right, where exactly does it take you in the end?

There will always be unconscious people ready to offer you a chance to engage with their ego.  They will challenge you, place bets upon what you will or won't do, and they'll say mean and nasty things about you - all because they have but one purpose in mind - it makes THEM feel better about themselves.  Whether it's hiding a deed they did, making up for lies they told, or to hide jealousy and envy, it all comes down to the ego.  If you dare to "edge God out" (EGO) of the equation, you'll repeatedly and unconsciously, repeat the pattern of negative energy in your life.

But for those of us that wish to rid ourselves of this negative energy and step out of the drama others seem so willing to engage us in, we might find it useful to listen to a story by Eckhart Tolle.  A monk in a small village was once accused of fathering a child of a young teen.  It ruined his reputation, isolated him from people and it was all a lie:

How controlling energy looks and how a "conscious" person responds: (Celestine Prophecy)

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