
A 2006 Will and Tohme's Confession

What do you think about this idea for planning a conspiracy?

One person starts the event in motion and passes it on to the next.  Each person takes their part and the illusion is a perpetual motion around all the conspirators.  One person can tell half the truth, while at the same time directing the blame at another person involved in the conspiracy.

This would be like Tohme Tohme blaming the Estate, the Estate of Michael Jackson blaming Tohme, AEG pointing the finger at Conrad Murray and the list goes on and on.  But if we watch the balls in motion, as they're swinging above, we'll see all of them have something to do with the activity itself.

Newton's cradle, as seen above, was named after Sir Isaac Newton, is a device that demonstrates conservation of momentum and energy using a series of swinging spheres. When one on the end is lifted and released, it strikes the stationary spheres; a force is transmitted through the stationary spheres and pushes the last one upward. The device is also known as Newton's balls.
source:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_cradle

A book entitled "Untouchable" hit the stands in 2012.  I'm personally not in the market for Michael Jackson books, but when I get information I do search.  Today I was surprised to discover some interesting lines from the book.

One such comment is outlined in red below.  That Tohme Tohme himself said that he was convinced of a conspiracy.  Not necessarily to kill Michael Jackson, but to weaken him to cancel the shows.

Considering Tohme was named on the accident insurance policy just days before the death of Michael Jackson, I suppose he would give only part of the truth.  I do believe that part of the conspiracy was to weaken him to cancel the shows, but what they didn't take into account was that Michael would need to go to London to secure that "cancellation" insurance, which of course was dropped in May, earlier that year by AEG as they outlined that "Tohme was out" and budgeted Murray for those 2(two), did I say 2?, two months, May and June:

"Accident" insurance was put in place, not cancellation insurance AT ALL.  The fact that he brings up "control of the catalog" allows for the assumption that Tohme had admitted he had personal knowledge of AEG's intent.  Most likely because he was the one involved in negotiating the contract from the beginning.

An additional observation was the following quote.  Eluding to a 2006 will that did exist at one time. I do believe Tohme had these documents, not just "saw" them:


Pg. 507

Both [attorney Dennis] Hawk and Tohme saw the ‘Neverland Trust’ agreements (naming Katherine Jackson as the trustee of the estate and making no mention of John Branca) that had been prepared in 2006 during Raymone Bain’s reign as Michael’s manager, and assumed those would be the templates of any new estate documents. [Sulivan doesn’t say how Hawk and Tohme saw these documents; he says they “saw” them, not that they had them.]

In the end, conspiracies are only as good as the conspirators.  Each one is out for themselves and sooner or later the illusion falls away and they are seen for the separate little "balls" of  *@ they are.

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