
Prince in the Afterlife - Artists Rights

I have seen and spoken to Prince Rogers Nelson since his passing.  On one morning while driving, Prince appeared out of nowhere, smiling, while saying "Hi", with an amazing loving presence.

Since then, I've spoken to him on occasion.  He is different than some of the people I've spoken to on the other side.  Instead of sometimes just appearing or talking, Prince asks "Can I talk to you for a minute?"  He is extremely polite, very kind, very caring about other people and so I've found, very knowledgeable about the music industry.

As you might imagine, Prince is not happy at all about what is happening with the music industry. He is and was concerned for not only himself, but other artists.  While he lived, he has said he was working towards helping others in the industry.  Now that he's on the other side, he has offered some advice:

"Use scrutiny when dealing with others involving your financial affairs.  Bring particular attention to the act of severability in the contract itself.  You should not be held accountable for fees for administration of your own music.  Fees charged to musicians are like fines in our legal system. Everyone deserves the right to be heard free and clear without repercussions from the justice system, our courts or the record companies themselves.

Leave the legalities of music as defined today on a table next to your bed.  When you wake up the next morning and you're not dead - rejoice.  They haven't done away with you yet.  Don't be surprised, however, to wake up one day and find that all the music you worked so hard to create is behind closed doors next to someone with a motive to kill for your music.  These are monsters who are hungry to control and devour any reputable artist alive.  

Don't misrepresent your interests when you sign your life away.  Control what you have, when you have it.  Leave no stone unturned when fighting for justice and go it alone if you must.  These people need to be stopped in their tracks in order for the music industry to survive.  We are not alone in this mission.  The higher authority on this is God himself.  Read the bible - Thou shall not kill.

There are three things to remember when faced with adversity:

  1. The first constitutional right; Freedom of speech - Speak your mind.
  2. The second constitutional right; Freedom to bear arms - Fight if you must.
  3. The constitutional right to be able to love God the way you see fit - Love him/her with all your heart and never let go.  Trust me, it works."
- Prince Rogers Nelson

For us lay people, especially me, I had to look up the term "act of severablity".  It is one of many clauses that are most often contained at the end of a contract.  This clause, in particular, has to do with rights:


From time to time, parties to a contract wind up suing one another.  The court is often asked to determine whether a party has breached some part of the contract. Occasionally, a court will rule that all or part of the contract is unenforceable. Maybe it is too vague.  Maybe it is too one-sided.  Maybe a part of the contract violates some obscure law that neither party knew about.

For example, your term songwriter agreement with Big Hits may prohibit you from writing songs for any other publisher in the United States for 10 years after your contract with Big Hits ends.  A Texas court would probably hold such a “non-competition” clause to be unenforceable as an unreasonable  restraint of trade.  But does that mean that the entire contract would be void?

Severability clauses provide that if any portion of the agreement is held invalid, the other portions of the contract will not be affected, but will remain valid and enforceable according to their terms.  It will be as though the offensive part of the contract had never existed.  The rest of the contract stays in force."  source:  RobertCarter

Prince has also stated that the industry knows how to write contracts - that's what they do.  When you sign up as an artist, you rarely think about what you're getting yourself into.  You are happy to be able to do the thing you love - your music.  But if you bypass the legalities, you give up your rights as an artist.  Sometimes it's the small details that take us by surprise.


SaDa said...

Today I asked Michael if he was murdered. The answer he gave was a complete "NO" he was not murdered.

Because you are still in such grief over the death of Michael Jackson, you need something in your life to attach to Michael, so that is why you believe he was murdered, but any evidence you bring up will never be looked at.

ElevenSeven said...

Susan, You've tried very hard to make me believe something other than what I've experienced. It makes me question why. Nothing will change what I believe or have experienced. Michael Jackson was murdered. I'm not the only one who believes that or maybe you haven't paid attention to the news. You should probably stop commenting on a blog you don't believe in.

SaDa said...

I truly just want you to be at peace with all of this. I know it doesn't seem like I do, but I truly am coming from love and wish you all the love in the world and for you to have closure in your heart. I know I comment on your blog without believing what you believe and yes I truly don't know what you experienced or felt you feel what you feel and that's just for you. Maybe you experienced or had those visions because that's what your soul wanted you to know. MJ is at peace. Why would I want to pay attention to the news when MJ was all against the news and media and as you know news and media lie. It's best to seek answers from your OWN soul.

Even recently I saw one You Tube where a medium lady said ridiculous things about George Michael's death that was completely not true and of course it has come out that he died of natural causes. I have also connected to GM's spirit who has told me he died of natural causes and it was his time.

As a Society we really put musicians/pop stars etc way too much on a pedestal. They ARE human and do human things and make mistakes just like everyone else and have life lessons and experiencs and yes they even die, but the public can't deal with it when they die. As George Michael told me... he is just a regular joe and he was so humble and a pleasure to speak with. MJ is equally as humble.

Anyway... as always, sending you healing and love


ElevenSeven said...

Susan, As you continue to comment on wanting me to be at peace and referencing seeking answers from my OWN soul, you surely do still fail to realize the entire reason I began this blog was because I DID receive answers from my OWN soul which has been and is still connected to Michael Jackson. I DID NOT begin this blog or go through the trouble of doing research to validate all of the answers I received from my OWN soul, write the books I have or have done all the videos I have validating ALL of the answers I received from my OWN soul. This journey is not one of a mere psychic who goes online to get attention because she or he is speaking with a pop star on the other side of the veil, or claims he or she is. I have had an entire lifetime of trying to come to terms with this soul relationship as many other people are now searching for the same type of answers in their own lives. I am a psychic. I am a medium, but I DO NOT do it for attention or have made this blog about "SPEAKING WITH POP STARS ON THE OTHER SIDE" for entertainment. It is not titled as "Miss Debbie Psychic Extraordinaire" or "Call my 1-800 number I Speak to Pop Stars" or "Susan Elsa Twin Soul Pop" along with my new singles. My life has been threatened, I have gone through the pains of publishing information I know would get into the wrong hands, and I have continued now for 6 years trying to get the truth out about Michael's murder. I CAN NOT and WILL NOT be at peace until OUR soul is at peace. That means whatever form of justice GOD deems fit for the scums who have felt it is their duty to make a feeding frenzy out of the life of MICHAEL JACKSON AND PRINCE ROGERS NELSON. If you had been paying attention at all, you'd know that MICHAEL's children KNOW he was murdered as well as his entire family, not mention the fact that the courts and the Estate have put them all through hell. You are completely out of line to dare to come here and pretend you care about my feelings or peace. Your words have no amount of compassion, but show a sheer desire to contradict anything I have stated on this blog. If you had one once of the compassion you claim to have you too would be speaking out for the souls that have been damaged by the music industry. You ARE NOT speaking with Michael Jackson. May peace and love be with you. Jesus says all souls deserve to be healed. You can continue on your path as I will continue to go on mine.