
Clearing the Four Lower Bodies

In our discussions regarding twin flame soul mates, we've talked a lot about clearing the four lower bodies in order to reach our individual higher self.  Our lower bodies contain energies that have accumulated from this lifetime and prior lifetimes that need to be cleansed and released in order for our true divine light to shine through.  It is a purification process that allows us to come into union with our higher selves and then with our twin flames.

Prior to this post, we referenced the material that was published with the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know". The movie followed the story of a young woman who re-lived her emotional experiences when the same types of triggers were presented to her.  The movie displayed and explained how these energies are actually activated within us and how emotional pathways, or ruts as the masters have called them, are created and re-lived.  To form a new pathway within us, we have to take the steps necessary to create new ideas, new feelings and new ways of being.

There is another movie that I'd like to share which seems to compliment this same idea.  I think it will help many of us dive deep into the spaces we don't normally allow ourselves to.  Putting into perspective exactly how the events in our lives effect the rest of our lives.

Here is a trailer from the movie "E-motion":

Clips from "What the Bleep Do We Know":

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