
Twin Flame Soul Mates - Question of the week

I was told someone had a question that I should answer on the blog.  The question was:

 "What is it like to be with someone when you can't be with them?"  

When it comes to twin flame soul mates that encompasses quite a bit.  But I'd like to share my view.

Twin flame soul mates take refuge in each other.  In some ways it's almost like escaping to a place where you know you can always go.  Someone will always be there listening, and you can always feel their presence.

Being with someone in a physical body is different than being with a twin flame soul mate without being able to be with them physically.  Sometimes I used to think the physical part would only complicate things.  There are always expectations we place on ourselves and our counterparts. Whether they be a twin flame or not, we still expect certain things from any relationship.  Although it's agonizing and seems very cruel that some flames are not brought together physically, their gift is in each other.  Flames keep each other in the others sight.  They know they can count on each other and know each one will always be there.  You might try to escape the connection, try to ignore it or even try to suppress it, but when it comes to matters of the soul it's quite simply something you can't ignore.

These are soul connections, and as such I think that's why they know there are times to come together and times not to.  Our souls carry the seeds for our purpose.  If twin incarnate on the earth plane, they share a purpose to fulfill on earth.  They will instinctively know when and if the time is right to come together.  But on a soul level.

To me there are two parts that battle each other when it comes to being reunited with a flame; the ego and the real self.

Ego will stamp it's feet, complain, whine, and cry for it's flame.  Ego mind will think it's being punished, it's a game, there must be something wrong if this soul relationship is not also a physical relationship.  The problem in this is that twin flame relationships are relationships of the soul - they are not physical for a reason.  We have been taught what a relationship "looks" like.  We have been taught what a relationship "feels" like and we "expect" certain things, like our mother or our father did or does, when it comes to physical relationships.

Twin flames will always try and put this same mold onto their relationship.  They will try to anticipate the next move, fit their needs into a tidy little box to have their flame fulfill for them.  They may speak of marriage, of children and families, all in the context that society has already laid out for them.  Yet what they fail to realize during this stage is that the physical body and the physical concepts of what a relationship is will all one day die off.  The body will die and the concepts will be changed.  There will be but one thing remaining; each other.

It will be in the moment you realize that one of you have died that the other is still there.  It will be in the knowing that no matter what happens, you'll always be there for that person.  That no matter where you go, you'll be taking them with you.  This will be the moment that you realize they were with you all along.

As hard as flame relationships are, they teach us how to love unconditionally.  They help us strip away all of our preconceived notions of what love is.  Love is just love.  It holds no boundaries, no expectations and no requirements.  When flames are not together physically, the space allows them to come to know love in its purest form.  They may have expectations, wants to be fulfilled, but they will always return to their flame knowing they can't be apart.  They will always return to their flame knowing that a force within them called love is keeping them and pulling them back together like a magnet.

This is the fabric of all of creation.  The simple song the universe sings out to us that we all long to hear.  It's love unconditionally and it's only achieved by clearing ourselves first.  Our gift is our flame.  A steady and loving presence underneath all of the preconceived notions of what real love is.

In the end you'll find you will have rescued each other.  The once known concepts that love equates to candy and flowers all fall away and you are left with the bright and shiny light you both once were and still are underneath all of our hurts, our patterns and our preconceived ideas.  This is love in it's truest form and in that you will rescue each other from the hurt, the pain and the anguish physical relationships can cause.  Being with a flame without being with them can be one of the greatest gifts our father can bestow on us.  For it is only in this space that you will come to realize your full potential and true unconditional love.

The video below is a demonstration of two magnets coming together by this same force of magnetic attraction.  The object being placed in the middle are the things that keep flames apart: preconceived ideas, patterns, hurt, pain and misqualified energy.  As they come together in union, these parts are transmuted and taken away.  Those are the parts being cleared for the union.

The laws of the universe are always constant.

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