
Michael's statement about his murder

I did not plan on posting to the blog today.  I was going to wait to view the Conrad Murray interview set to air this evening on MSNBC.  Michael, however, had other plans and as I have said before, this is kind of a joint venture here, so I write what he would like me to.

I'm writing this after he has given me the wording of what he wanted to say.  I'd like to tell those of you who don't know, that all of our thoughts, everything that is said and done go out to the universe.  Although someone has passed, it doesn't mean that he or she can't necessarily hear or see what is still going on.  Michael is very upset, as am I, about what is currently transpiring.  Seems there are things being said that are untrue and Conrad Murray's defense team has taken up a campaign.  I hope that anyone who is able, defends the truth when they can at all times.

"Due to the overwhelming feeling that Dr Conrad Murray is not only guilty of my murder, but held accountable for my death, I felt it necessary to correct some statements in the general public.

My death was not brought about because of the negligence of one doctor. My death was brought about by the greed and manipulation of a contracting company who wished to retain the rights to my music catalogs.  My life was incredibly insane.  Full of people who wished to use my celebrity and status as a way to benefit themselves.  Although I admit I had a problem with drug addiction, I did not, and I repeat, did not take my own life or contribute to it.  I in no way shape or form took anything to deceive Dr Murray or anyone else.  My children and my heart are broken hearing these allegations that are false.  No one would wish to step in my shoes if they knew what I had to go through.  If I was an animal I might have been given better care.  I was a person, a human being with feelings and a life.  They took it from me, from my children, from you and it was all because of money.

Let me say this, no one and I mean no one on this planet can understand another person's life unless they have lived it.  Leave me in peace."

We had a very long conversation last evening.  I took nine pages of notes.  Those responsible for his death will be found.

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