When I had an opportunity to ask Michael about it, he said that he and Diana had become good friends. They were both murdered and both had to leave children behind. They had many things they had found common ground with.
Weeks passed and Diana found me herself. We spoke for a little while as she expressed her reason for coming. I did not know or believe Diana was murdered, although at one time I questioned her seemingly mysterious death, just as many people now question Michael's.
After we spoke I promised I'd write what she had said, so in April I did just that. I don't follow the royal family, just like I didn't "follow" Michael Jackson. I'd rather be surprised to find confirmations after the fact. That way I'm assured of the validity of what I receive. Visions of Michael have been common all my life when he lived. I never expected them to extend until after his death, however, that's what soul union and consciousness is about. It is not just a body that dies, it's the soul that lives on.
The original post for Diana can be found here.
In it I explain how I found out about her death and what transpired with Michael when I did. I posted the following on her behalf:
I have since seen Diana on some occasion, but not regularly. I recognize her as a friend of Michael's, as I have others that he has been so kind to introduce me to. Most often they come with him, but last night Diana came alone.
She came to tell me as a friend, that there were other people that were involved in Michael's murder. When I asked why she was telling me and not Michael, she replied that Michael's death, like hers, goes beyond just the immediate people thought to be involved. She then said that her and Dodi were murdered and I was quite surprised. I remember questioning then, and now she was confirming it for me. She said she loved Dodi Fayed a great deal, but he has moved on. She was staying to help.
Her son, Prince William, (and I have no idea what's going on there or how it works) was next in line for the throne. It makes sense to me, but I honestly don't know if its true. That he needs to be VERY CAREFUL because something may happen similar to what happened to her. She says he is already questioning. Keep quiet William. You already know the truth. Yes you are right about your father and your grandmother. Both of them had something to do with it. You may be in great danger if you don't listen to your instincts.
Yesterday I stopped at a drug store and saw on the front cover of Globe magazine the words "Charles Murdered Diana". You might imagine my shock. That after all these years and after my conversation with Diana this might be written. Now understandably Globe is a Tabloid magazine. This may or may not be true, however, it eerily hit close to home when I remembered the words Diana used with me. Even her concern for Harry and him being next in line for the throne are confirmed in the words of this article. And the kicker? Camilla is painted as someone afraid that it will happen again, just as Diana said something similar might happen.
You can view the Globe magazine article here.
I know it's hard to imagine for most people. That life goes on and there is life beyond the body. That we can communicate with those that have passed. But I think it's important that we believe in what is real, that we are not just our body. It is unfair and almost cruel for those that have passed to be almost left abandon by us in fixing what has been left behind. It's for that reason I feel it's imperative to do what we can while we are still here. It's for that reason I will continue to fight for justice for Michael's death as well. All too often there are too many people that keep silent in witnessing and knowing information that is valid in the discovery of unethical behavior. When it comes to humanity, keeping silent is as bad as committing the act itself. In doing so it inadvertently expresses the feeling that it's O.K. It's not. Murder, injustice, abandonment, ridicule, rage and war will never be O.K. with me. It is an abomination on the face of mankind. One that we all should be outraged with for the sake of humanity itself. How can someone call themselves a human when they have no regard for the human being?