The ascended spiritual master, Saint Germain, once stated that humanity is currently in a "rut".
It was about 25 years ago that I received a request from he and the other members of the Brotherhood of Light. I spoke about the request in my memoir "Another Part of Me - An Extraordinary Tale of Twin Souls".
It was not one member from the group, but many. As it was stated to me, that when I thought of them, I should think of myself. When I thought of myself, I should think of them.
The request that was made was to help them bring divine order into the consciousness of man for the enfoldment of humanity. At the time I had no idea what this meant. Nor have I really understood it until now.
The request made, was given at a time when I was speaking with my twin flame soul mate. It concerns him, myself, the Brotherhood, God, Jesus and you.
Enfoldment is best described as something that weaves the fabric of consciousness together. Currently, the consciousness of mankind is splintered. We have different states of mind, different beliefs and different ways of thinking about things. We have been taught through the years what to believe in by our parents, relatives, friends, the mass media and the collective thoughts of groups of people like religions and secret societies. What someone believes in can come from the thoughts of someone else or it can come from direct experience. When it comes to God, Jesus, or twin flame soul mates, I have and will continue to post only those things related to my direct experience, unless it is noted.
In the previous blog message, we spoke about a message from Jesus. This may or may not be the Jesus you were brought up to believe in. He may not have spoken the words you may have expected or perhaps he has spoken the exact words that you have known were coming.
It was many years ago when Jesus walked the earth in a body of flesh. It seems fitting, now as we embark on the season that celebrates his birth, that some of these things will be revealed. Although I was told some years back that this mission that I have agreed to be part of is not about me, I do feel it may be important to someone reading this material to explain how and why I would receive a message from Jesus himself.
Through most of my life I have searched for the truth about God, Jesus and my twin flame soul mate. I have researched religions, philosophies, meditated, have done yoga and embarked on a series of lessons from the ascended masters themselves. During that time, as most people do, I have been able to obtain bits of truth that seemed to intersect each other. Some bits were from Buddhist philosophies, some from the Catholic church, others from Hebrew texts or even historical accounts. Yet the most riveting knowledge that I have yet to acquire has been from the ascended masters and my direct experiences.
I have worked passionately toward knowing who God is all of my life. When I was a young girl I used to pray to him constantly to intercede on behalf of humanity. Sometimes to heal sick children and sometimes just to know the truth about my twin flame soul mate. My prayers have always been answered, although not always in the form I expected or wanted.
I once believed that when we die, we go to heaven. Then I began to experience recollections of past lives so much so I was able to go back in history to get confirmations on dates, people's names, and events. One of those past lives was with Jesus himself. I was one of his students. I remember many things about that time. Some things that the church has denounced, but other historians and people have proven. I was on the road to Damascus with Jesus that has so often been written about, but you don't find my name. I was at his crucifixion and witnessed Mary being with a child. I believe it was a time in history when women were not very well represented. Mary Magdalene was represented as a prostitute and the other women that traveled with Jesus are rarely mentioned even in the Gnostic texts. I don't believe my specific role with Jesus needs to be mentioned, but his teachings do. They have been lost. And with losing them, so has our way.
I believe this is part of my mission to serve. To serve as a vehicle to bring my experiences to the light, so that others may find their way as well. This concerns you and how you were created and your twin flame soul mate - the other half of your soul. It concerns God and Jesus and how humanity has been entangled in the rut that has been so long trodden. The rut I am speaking about is the constant cycle of rebirth. Now let me say I also once didn't believe in reincarnation . . . that is again until I began to experience my past lives.
This rut has been created by the beliefs that we have been fed. I, like many people, believed in what others told me. Be it the church, my parents, whoever was able and willing to lend their point of view. But who truly knows something until they experience it for themselves?
What happens when a man such as Jesus is born into the world? One that the world has worshiped in a myriad of ways but that was crucified by the same people who claim to represent him now? I can tell you that any religion, whether Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, or Jehovah Witness has one single element in common - man's interpretation of what he thinks is right. It is dangerous for us to blindly follow another man without having a direct experience with God himself.
Jesus said to "Know thyself", "Seek the Kingdom of God Within"; not from another man or woman, including me. A man, no matter what position he holds in this world, cannot change the rules for the masses of people and claim it ordained and blessed by God, unless that man is God himself. Since I have not heard one religious leader profess that statement, I can assure you, that it is you that must make that trek to the truth. So that you know the truth for yourself and that you can be brought into His Kingdom by your own doing. Not by the words uttered out of the mouths of people who have no authority in HIS Kingdom.
This, in and of itself, has brought us to our current rut. Millions of people believe they will go to heaven, be met by thousands of virgins or will be in Bardo after they die. But how do they know?
When we here accounts of people from all over the world having direct experiences with past lives, life after death, or even ghosts, it should be enough to make you wonder. These are direct experiences, not a mere statement that someone who claims to know because it's their interpretation of what they have assumed. Many historical facts have been distorted and the truth has been hidden simply because it was fashionable at the time or because it allowed a select few to maintain authority over the people.
Knowledge is power. Hidden knowledge renders the people powerless and thus has led us to our rut. Lifetime after lifetime, we experience a never ending cycle of rebirth because no one has shown us the way back to the true Kingdom of God. This was the teaching of Jesus. His path, not the church's, your mother or fathers, but the one truth that has been hidden from mankind for so long.
I have posted a clip from the movie "Cloud Atlas" below. The movie depicts our repetitions of lifetimes, many times accompanying the same people on our path. One of the last scenes describes the way in which we create our future with each kindness or selfish deed. The world we are creating today, will indeed be the world we live in tomorrow. Our pollution, our wars, our greed, our destruction. We will live in the filth we have created or the bright and shiny newness we decide we must partake of. What are the consequences of repeating lifetimes for all of eternity? What are the consequences for those who have hidden the truth and have told us that there is only one lifetime?
The movie is science fiction, but speaks volumes as to the paths we all take each day. It is the fact that are lives are bound to others that must be taken into account. Weaving the fabric of our consciousness into the Christ consciousness it was meant to be, means doing as to others as you would do for yourself. This is the simple statement that the Brotherhood of Light had so eloquently stated back in 1992. When you think of us, think of yourself. When you think of yourself, think of us. We are one - all bound together in a fabric of unity encompassing the planet. When we hurt another being, we will, whether today or tomorrow, hurt ourselves. We must learn to look at the man in the mirror and ask ourselves what the reflection shows us. It is in the reflection from other people that we can learn most about ourselves.
When Jesus spoke the words "Know thyself", he did so for a reason. How can you not know yourself and know God, when God Himself is within you? If you don't know what is you, how will you know what is God?
The process of knowing yourself is by reflection. What is it about another person that bothers you? Do you find that same fault in yourself or have you in the past? Sometimes this in of itself can be our greatest teacher. The reflection from other people helps us to know where we need to improve. For as long as we have thoughts and judgments about others and ourselves, we cannot allow room enough for God to emerge from within us. If there is too much chatter about who we think others are, what room is there for God to reveal himself within us? Would we judge Him too?
Clearing our thoughts and beliefs, our actions and reactions, is part of the puzzle of coming into divine union with God. Our union with our source God brings us into union with the other half of our soul - our twin flame soul mate. This other part of you - male or female - is the opposite polarity of yourself. They have been created from the same stuff you were when you were first created by the creator Himself. We find the stories from Adam and Eve in the Bible, when we hear that Eve was created from a rib taken out of Adam. She is part of him. Our DNA speaks to the missing "Y" chromosome found in males, but not in females. And in the Kabbalah, Yesod is the Groom and Malkuth is referred to as the Bride. Revelations speak of the first "marriage in heaven". The Yiddish word "Bashert" refers to the one's divinely predestined spouse. These are all references to the twin flame soul mate - the true marriage and union of the soul as God has ordained from our conception.
For some time now I have been given the message that I am "Malkuth". I've looked the word up repeatedly since then. I don't study the Kabbalah, although like many faiths, I do believe it holds truth. I prefer, however, to know my Fathers truth through His revealing. So I have researched those words and phrases that have been given to me. Among those findings for Malkuth and Yesod, I have found literally dozens of references to alchemy, Norse mythology, the Tree of Life, the Sephiroth, the Torah, Sacred Geometry and the list goes on. What I've found most interesting is that I was also given a vision. A simple scene of the hands of Jesus outstretched towards me above two intertwining flames. I was given the vision twice. Once with only the hands and the second time, including the flames.
The vision depicted for me a path. Taking into account the words I was given and the vision, I have come to the conclusion that it is only through the union of the soul - the twin flame soul mates - that the true Kingdom of Heaven can be reached. This is His Kingdom and the one which many of us strive to become a part of. Yet it can only be reached by the opening of the door.
That door has now been opened. In 1991, Michael Jackson released his album "Dangerous". He had stated to Ebony magazine that he believed he hadn't scratched his real purpose for being here yet. He released his first single from the album, "Black or White", on 11-11. Divine action always takes shape in dates and numbers. It is this same 11-11 that many people have seen through out the years that has seemed so mysterious. It is also the same 11-11 that represents the pillars for the temple of Solomon and the Freemasons. These pillars are represented on the cover of his album. This is the album that he wanted both children and adults to decipher for years to come:
The album cover depicts a journey. On the right side of the album you can see a "bubble" with both a man and a woman inside. This bubble was taken from the art entitled the "Story of Creation". It is Adam and Eve as depicted in the original art below in the middle panel, left bottom corner:
It was around this same time that I received the message from the Brotherhood of Light. The song "Black or White", by the way, includes the lyrics: "we're one and the same" and my nickname at the time was "Dangerous" given to me by my co-workers (not Michael).
Several years later I was asked to do a painting for a woman who had met Michael some days before. The painting, posted below, depicted the door to the kingdom of heaven. Our father YHWH is breathing the breath of life into man (his creation), as Jesus descends:
That isn't what I was asked to paint. It's only what appeared on the canvas. The photo I was asked to paint was of the clouds. This is what came out and now it puts the pieces of the puzzle together. Michael Jackson's mission was also part of mine. To prove the existence of twin flame soul mates and to bring the path back to God back into the consciousness of man. This is how we were created. And now that the door is open, how we will return.
Below are some visuals from different paths depicting the tree of life and the Kingdom of God after union of twin flame soul mates - the other part of your soul:
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Twin Flame Soul Mates Uniting in the I AM Presence above |
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Leonardo DaVinci Sketch |
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"Days of Creation" painting One soul globe containing both a man and woman |
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Freemason board with two pillars The Sun representing man The moon representing woman |
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Michael Jackson Blood on the Dance Floor Album cover - with Freemason Board floor |
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Twin illustration with male sun and female moon |
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Two pillars/Sun and moon with two triangles at the bases (interconnected form the heart chakra symbol - union) |
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Sumarian Creation Seal with the Tree of Life |
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Adam and Eve Story of Creation |
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The Last Supper - depicting Jesus and Mary Scene from the DaVinci Code |
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"Butterflies" cover with two mirror images |
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Man and woman unified into one |
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Image from the video "You Are Not Alone" depicting divine union with another |
"Scream" with my name "Debbie"
"The Way You Make Me Feel" with my name "Debbie"
"I Just Can't Stop Loving You" . . "Heaven's glad you came . . . "
"In Your Eyes" movie trailer - What telepathy is like between twin flames