The seven twin flames merging I will speak on from my experience. I have seven flames in my group. I have met three on the earth plane. One was Michael Jackson, however, there was another woman and another man. The connection with a flame when meeting is undeniable. There is an undercurrent of energy there, a synergy that connects you deep inside. You know something is there, but consciousness just can't seem to put a finger on it.
The consciousness, however, is the key to the union with one or all the flames. For in your creation itself you are most like these souls. Vibrating at the same frequency, and as such you can connect easily on many planes of existence. Telepathy is common because the association is so close. You can converse while meditating, in a relaxed state or even in your daytime affairs. Your closest flame, however, will be the one you were originally created with. Meaning the other polarity of yourself split from the ray originally. When Michael lived I was able to come face to face with him many times, but there was one particular time that I asked St Germain, a teacher of mine, to allow me to see the reason for our connection.
We met in my hometown. We didn't speak. He was with a blonde woman who kept checking on him. I noticed his fingernails seemed dirty, but didn't realize it was the vitiligo and not dirt when I was studying him. We stared at each other in our usual fashion. It seems silly when I think about it in "human" terms, but it was almost like we were amused with each other. Like looking at your hand and wondering what it was there for, what you were supposed to do with it.
We did that for a while when suddenly I was taken back in my mind. It was dark and there was no sound at all. I knew in an instant it was the moment we were created together. It was scary almost for me at that point until I figured it out. Our creation from source, from our ray, was together in this male/female polarity. We have other flames as well, but those flames are not as close in association because of the original polarity that split when Michael and I came into the earth plane.
If you envision cells multiplying, it would be the same. Seven cells are created in whole. Once they determine they will enter the earth plane those seven cells again split into male and female polarities. Michael taking a male form, and I taking female form, were able to connect very easily through our souls because we were created as one to begin with. We can still connect easily with the others I have met on earth as well, but I've noticed our merging, or consciousness is not as united as Michael's and I were and has become.
It seems to me there are seven levels, within seven levels. It is an upward spiral of union to our source and a downward splitting to the earth. Our vision then is to go up in unison to where we once were. Back to the bliss we were born from.