I have awoken with very disturbing images. A visit from Gandhi from the other side gave me more information, however, if you are in a place of unrest or fear retaliation, please pay attention.
An attack is eminent. This means it will go forward. This is not an "it might happen" event. There is a woman involved in a suicide mission and it will involve children. This event will shake us to our very core.
I am told that this is a retaliation for something. Preceded by a dream, I dialed 911 only to hear a foreign language I didn't understand in the background. The phone present in this vision meant that I would hear news about it soon.
911 (9/11) also is related to the attack on the trade towers here in the United States. It feels as if it may be similar.
I wish I could know where this will take place, but I don't. Only that there will be children involved. I can only hope that I am wrong. Yet I can only hope that if I am not, that this message is heeded and some are taken out of harms way.
If you are in an area that has experienced attacks in the past, if your country has attacked another and nothing has happened or if some unrest is happening where you are - PLEASE be EXTRA cautionary with your children. This DOES NOT exclude the STATES.
Gandhi has said that this is political and may affect alliances with the United States.