Currently, it seems there is not only a rise in interest about twin flames, but information about them as well. I wanted to write a little something more on them that most sites and books don't seem to talk about.
Every twin soul reunion will be different. My experience, however, is so close to most of the stages that have been sited in other works, it almost boggles the mind.
When I was reading some of the information, however, I wondered where the ugly part was. I didn't see many books that really explain the depths of hurt and pain you go through on your way to coming back together.
Twin flame separation is extremely painful. I believe if you are destined to meet your flame this lifetime you feel that pain within yourself at some point in your life. It is pain from a soul level. I remember feeling so lonely and in pain I would pray every night and cry to God. It seemed to me that no one else cared about what was happening in the world. I felt different because I cared. I felt the pain from deep within my soul.
As I grew older I felt the same way. Different from everyone else. I began to "look" for someone that I knew deep within me there was no way I would not find. No one could tell me that I would not meet this person, even though I never realized why.
As you go through the steps, like awakening from a dream, you begin to become conscious of your soul integration. Meaning, you begin to wake up and remember not only who you are, but that you are indeed connected to another.
It sounds beautiful and the thought that someone loves us unconditionally, truly blissful. What we tend to forget, however, is that if you were both born in this lifetime you both will have egos and personalities to overcome before the union can occur.
If that sounds simple, it's not. We tend to think "Hey I'm an O K person. I'm nice. What could be so hard?" Just like anything else to say the words, like "he was killed" does not reference or include all the turmoil associated with it.
I like to refer to the hardest part as the dweller on the threshold. It's that point where your ego and old beliefs are battling with the light that is beginning to come through. You are here in a three dimensional world and as such you have beliefs that are three dimensional. You believe relationships should be a certain way for instance. If your twin does not respond to you according to your concepts about he or she should respond, most likely the patterns you have established from this lifetime and others will emerge and you will find yourself in a bit of a pickle.
You will have to realize that you may be at a different level than your twin. You may be more conscious of your connection, than the other. You have to give the other time to come into their own. It is the union with the higher self individually that will ultimately bring you to union with one another.
Internally, you are struggling. Trying to find your way in your beliefs and what you are willing to let go of in order to bring yourself into that divine part of yourself to share with your twin. You simply must let go of those old patterns and beliefs that are so earthly and ingrained into us and see the bigger picture.
On a spiritual level, there will be many who will oppose this union. You may be bombarded with many things you have never even thought of before. Intrusions, strange occurrences and possible interference with any twin communication that may be taking place. You may find yourself blaming your twin or believing that the relationship is not so good as you once thought.
I am posting this because I don't believe many people talk about this part. I believe we are on the verge of many twins being reunited and am excited and hopeful to see this happen. I wish someone would have given me a road map because it would have made it so much easier. So I offer these road signs to you to make sure you know you aren't on the wrong road, it's just pretty bumpy sometimes.
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