Our minds, as we have discovered in previous exercises contain patterns of thinking. Perhaps when we were growing up we were subjected to an occurrence or repeated behavior that we keep with us still until this day. Phrases like "I'm stupid. I am so fat or I will never be rich." are often statements that we received from outside sources that we reinforce through our own minds, ultimately making it our own reality.
What most don't realize, however, is that there are subtle mental bodies and emotional bodies that are connected to the physcial body as well. Our thoughts are not merely abstract ideas floating in the ethers, they really do create energy currents and patterns or emotions that we hold in our bodies.
I know this intellectually and often have tried to convey becoming conscious of these energies in previous posts. Last night during my yoga practice however, something unexpected happened. I have been practicing yoga for years and have never once had this happen yet.
I noticed as I entered the studio where my thoughts were. I was worried about going backward. You know how things happen in your life and then when you find yourself in a similar situation you think "Oh no what if this happens again?" I think it's natural to think that and noticing I was trying to get past it. I knew I had to stay with the thought and feel it in my body as emotions stirred. As my yoga practice ended my teacher said some very simple words. He said "Just because something has happened in the past doesn't mean its' going to happen again." In his words "this is the way it is now." This was the moment that was unexpected as I realized I was fighting with myself on creating the same pattern that I had been living. My teachers words made it ok for me to move forward knowing I didn't have to live the way I had been living and I began to cry.
Tears are a form of emotional release and I was so thankful to have had the experience. Here was proof that my emotional body was being cleansed. The proof was in the tears.
Sometimes we aren't conscious of all the patterns we have, but if we stay with the emotion and move our physical bodies to shake things up a bit, sooner or later the release and realization will come.
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