Bringing our awareness to the point where we can mindfully see another's point of view as valid even though they are not our own, allows us to engage our hearts and minds in the act of compassion. Every one of us is different, with different experiences and ideas. When we view things from our heart instead of our preconditioned mind we begin to realize the diversity of our world and cultures and accept people for who they are instead of who we think they should be.
Realizing the way your heart views the world can be a critical step to achieving oneness on the planet. Waiting for someone else to say we are one can take your mind there, but if you don't feel it yourself, don't see it yourself in your own minds eye we can never all truly get there.
Practice today and when a situation arises in your life that makes you think you should pass judgement on another, try viewing their situation with your heart. Little by little, we can change the world and how we see it, but it first must start with us.
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