On the spiral up to your true form, your higher self and reuniting with your twin there will be much to over come. The world in which we live is a world that is riddled with duality. There is both masculine and feminine energy present within all of us, as well as a shadow and a light side. It is the ego, the dweller on the threshold that does battle with the light within you. Both sides fighting for control of the mind and it's beliefs and values. Control of the consciousness leads to knowledge of the self. So if ego takes control your view of the self will be based on ego values; the personality part that has been created by self through the years and the illusion of what and who we think we are. Should illumination and higher self control the consciousness it is that light that will shine in the consciousness of man the real truth.
There is in this duality a poetic a geometric pattern set from the beginning of time. It is patterns of energy that repeat itself. We have mentioned it here before that like nature we are also like the world around us. There is within the world a macrocosim and within us, a microcosim of man. Meaning what happens on an individual level also happens on a planetary level and vice versa.
Coming to a new age of consciousness means that one or the other must possess control of the consciousness. It is at an individual level and a global level. Globally it is the mass consciousness of the world. Currently there are those trying to ascend working towards the light and those who refuse and are holding fast to their ego. On a collective level this brings confusion and chaos into our world and it is evidenced by what is transpiring on our earth today.
Individually we are struggling internally with that of our own identities and egos. The ego says believe this, it is what you have known, and the divine mind says have faith and come with me.
When Mrs Jackson was on the Piers Morgan Show some time ago she mentioned she believed we are coming to the end of the world. She said that's what the bible says. She is Jehovah's witness and that is what they believe Perhaps we are not, however, perhaps we are at the point of the opening of the seventh seal, the crown chakra and the raising of the consciousness. Perhaps the period of Revelations is the one last fight within ourselves and within our world of form before our true peace and planetary consciousness can make the final shift.
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