How can we move on in our lives if we are always holding onto the patterns of self condemnation?
It can hurt when you say it like that, but once a great comic strip philosopher named Pogo said "We have met the enemy and he is us."
In all that has transpired on this earth the only party responsible points back to us. It's a heavy load. A burden most don't wish to bear. So we tend to push it off on someone else making it "their" responsibility. The ones in charge, the government, the activists, never for once thinking "they" are all just us. We only separate them in our minds as if we are all separate from the whole earth, or created separately from a different source.
Yet even as we push our environmental, economical, and other worldly woes aside, we still insistently criticize ourselves and condemn ourselves for the wrong we have done. These thoughts and feelings of anger and despair pollute our fields of energy like a rotten egg. You can't see it, but boy do we reek of it, even through our very pores. Emanating an energy of "I'm not worth it" and the universe responds in kind. Now we have another cycle or pattern of repetition. We think bad thoughts about ourselves, the universe responds by giving us what we think we deserve and we all get no where because we are stuck in a pattern of belief that we will never amount to anything.
This week pay attention to those condemning thoughts, and perhaps even look at the condemning behavior associated with it. For instance if I say "I'll never lose all this weight" my condemning behavior might be to reach for that can of chocolate frosting. Try to catch yourself in this act, and when you do, look within. Ask yourself how you can change and if you truly do want to change the way you feel about yourself and how you respond to the thoughts of condemnation. Becoming aware and conscious of these will allow you to slowly change them and in time a new pattern will be formed. One of support, nurturing and love for yourself.
1 comment:
this is beautiful deb♥
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