As with many things in life sometimes its our perception of what that particular thing is that enables us to try and hold onto something we should probably just release. Maybe it's the idea of what could have been, what was, or what it should have been like. Realizing that all of these ideas are just that - our own perceived idea about how it should be helps us embrace the idea differently.
When we take a step back and entertain the notion that there may be a grander plan at work, one that is currently not in our state of perception, we can learn to loosen the reigns a little. Just because we think it should have been one way or another, doesn't mean that in the scheme of all things that's the way it should have been or should be.
Allowing yourself to let go into the infinite mind of the divine and letting that force gravitate you to where you need to go helps us shed the holding onto. The tense feelings that we hold inside often leave us with pain. Letting go, means letting God, Allah or the higher power work through your life. Ego, or edging God out, likes to think we are in control. It holds fast to that which it has become used to. But spirit always allows. Letting go of the old to step into the new, allowing the light to shine through us as we enter into the next phase of our consciousness.
For devout Hindus, death is synonymous with rebirth. Meaning that for every one death or letting go, there is one birth of something new.
Without creation, preservation and destruction, the world and all life would come to a standstill because nothing would happen. Therefore, without balance, the world would not be able to function. Hindu's believe that when things are destroyed, it is not a negative ending of something; it is a constructive, positive, nourishing destruction that enhances the life and energy that is in the world and the beings that live in it. Destruction happens in order to make things new again, to refresh. Through destruction, the smooth transition of things and events from one stage to another is ensured. The world keeps going by the destruction of many things that would interfere with the natural order of the universe.
Imperfections are destroyed for example to ensure spiritual growth and foreword movement. All that would interfere with spiritual progress including illusions, desires and ignorance; our evil and negative nature; old memories to allow us to move on along with time; relationships, attachment, impurities, physical and mental wrongdoings, the effects of bad karma, passions and emotions that interfere with our relationship with God.
The shedding and releasing of all of these things allow us to move toward our most divine part of ourselves and into who we truly are enabling ourselves to step into the rhythm of the universe itself.
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