On an individual level, we are called to determine what sort of life we want to live. There is a lot of stress internally as many of us seek resolution and closure to all sorts of relationships. We are being called upon by the universe to make solid and life altering changes in regards to what we truly want from our relationships. Old patterns and reoccurring habits play over and over again. What or who were you dealing with last November? That's an indication of what we are supposed to be looking at.
Meanwhile, venus goes forward in Gemini June 27th, helping us do the release work and move forward. This week you get a chance to really look at what is not working and what is. You get a chance for a fresh start. Do you want to work on the current situation or move on? Regardless of your choice, something needs to change. It can no longer stay the way it always has been. Your relationships need to change to survive....and they need to change to benefit you or they must end. You may have already come to the conclusion that a lover, a marriage, a friendship or even a family relationship, is toxic to you at this point in your life. By now you probably understand that you cannot change someone else, no matter how hard you try or pray for a change. The past six weeks have helped you to get to the point of acceptance of moving on or finding a new way to deal with the relationship. Sometimes, it's okay to take a step back and away for a while. Time does heal some things. Big decision for many of you regarding long time relationships. But the end result will be positive when the changes are made.
By changing a situation, you change your path. Change your name, change your residence, your job, your relationship and you change your destiny.
The first call of the summer, by the universe to make dramatic changes in our lives happened during the eclipse of the new moon on May 20th and throughout the full moon on June 4th. This was your big transitional period designed to push you into a situation where you were forced to become emotionally detached from something from your past. You had to let things go and this meant your old feelings tied to a past situation or relationship. How many of you found yourself becoming detached and almost emotionally dead inside about a person or situation that in the past, you held onto so tightly???? The universe forced this to happen so you would let go of the old ways and former relationships that no longer are valid or suit your life. It's like being freed from the past chains that confined you emotionally. You had to be flexible and ready for changes coming in the future.
I have read for thousands of people over the years who can physically leave a bad relationship but are still hanging on emotionally, for years. They can't let go. Or some folks are still emotionally tied to an unfair situation at work that they can't let go of or a situation in which they were disrespected. It eats away at them. They hung onto those feelings for years. This summer, the universe is giving them emotional freedom.
Old relationships and situations that defined who you were in your past are no longer valid as you move into a new frequency. You will no longer be tied to the past issues and pain and be able to move forward to what the universe wants to bring you. In many cases, this will usher in a new relationship.
Now these changes may not mean a huge life altering event for everyone reading this but after June 26th everyone will experience some sort of a shift within. It's as if a new version of you is being created that didn't exist prior to Tuesday.
The four outer planers in our solar system are responsible for this amazing change.
Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus & Pluto are exerting their power and influences on our lives as they're moving to square each other – There will be some unexpected and fated events in our world and in our life. Anything that is NOT right in our world will collapse.
Unexpected, surprising and destined events will ensure that almost anything that is supposed to be created for your higher good, will expand. If you have felt trapped or stagnant, things will start moving forward this week. Be flexible with things that fall in your path now. The aspects related to this summer will change your life. However those of you who want to live in the past will experience frustrations and anger as they fight and resist the universe.
This week something or someone who is really an illusion will be revealed in your life. Don't be surprised. This was meant to be revealed to you.
Allow the universe to guide you. Trust God has your back.
This week is a spiritual one, You sensitive people out there, will feel it very strongly and be more psychic than ever!
Someone or something from last November will come back into your life, to help you understand that it is time to move on again. Between now and September, you will start realizing what your life is really about and what destiny is. As I said in my recent face book posts, anyone and anything that is destined to be in your life will be between now and September.
Now that Venus is going forward on June 27th, you've probably had your head filled with loves from your past or people messing with your thoughts and making you crazy. You can now see the truth regarding these old loves.
June 29th is a lovely day to test how wonderful the universe works. If you have done the work, set the past free, understood what you were to learn about love and relationships, then you could meet someone fabulous...right out of the blue! It could be a new friend, a new partner or a business acquaintance. Someone could help you make your dreams comes true! It may start off as a lighthearted meeting but it could end up being a life altering friendship or romantic encounter.
Enjoy!!!!! Be open to the changes.
This post is from Maria Shaw Lawson www.MariaShaw.com
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