
"A Blatant Attempt to Mislead the Public" - The Trial of Conrad Murray

After several failed appeals on behalf of Conrad Murray, the trial of AEG vs Katherine Jackson and her multiple appeals, the records still stand that Conrad Murray was solely responsible for the death of Michael Jackson.

No where do we see the facts of the case being disclosed, because it was the District Attorney's office itself that withheld crucial evidence from both cases AND from public view.

What would happen if this information did make it's way out to the public?  Would we be shocked? Would anyone take a stand for justice or would the truth even be reported to the public by our media outlets?

It's been several years since one attorney did take a stand.  In the case of Douglas v Cooley, attorney Jeffrey Douglas filed for a writ of mandate, asking the courts to put in place safeguards for the unfair practices of District Attorney Steven Cooley.  Douglas stated:

"A trial is a search for truth, not a game of hide and seek. This principle is never more
true than in criminal trials, where “the People of The State of California” are deciding whether to take
away a citizen’s liberty. To ensure that criminal trials will be reliable, truth-seeking procedures, the
statutes governing criminal trials in California include, among others, two provisions requiring the
disclosure of evidence to the defense. These laws implement constitutional protections recognized by
the United States and California Supreme Courts as indispensible components of Due Process in
criminal proceedings.

Hard as it may be to believe, in the face of these clear mandates, Los Angeles County
District Attorney Steve Cooley, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office (“LADA”), Los
Angeles County Sheriff Leroy Baca, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (“LASD”) have enacted formal, official policies to evade the mandatory duties imposed by these laws and to violate the constitutional and statutory rights of countless criminal defendants. By doing so, they not only flout both their explicit statutory and constitutional duties and their inherent duties to see that justice is done, but they also undermine the reliability, fairness, and truth-seeking function of criminal trials every day in this county."

See full filing below:

What was the then District Attorney's response?

"Cooley’s office called the lawsuit a
blatant attempt to mislead the public and the court,”
and a Baca spokesman did not respond to my queries. One would hope that in the days to come, they’ll have a little more to say, because the allegation here is that they’ve corrupted the system by denying some defendants the chance for a fair trial."

I have to say if Cooley's attempts to mislead the public, the court and the families of the victims aren't blatant, corrupt and disgusting, I don't know what is.

It was only weeks before the Conrad Murray trial that Steven Cooley filed the Amici Curiae to withhold the insurance policy held by AEG Live from the trial of Conrad Murray.  That insurance policy contained evidence that it was not only changed to include Michael Jackson's former manager three days before his death, but that AEG Live actually dropped it's cancellation insurance all together on the date correlating directly to the hire of Conrad Murray.  AEG did not intend to go on any tour.  AEG Live's intention was to commit fraud with the insurance company, as evidenced in the Lloyds of London v AEG suit and do away with Michael Jackson.

The results of the Douglas v Cooley case were successful in that amends were made in the system. Yet to this day, we still see that evidence is still being withheld from correcting past wrongs in the system.  Justice for Michael Jackson's death is still pending due to a completely corrupt court system. The abuse of political power not only misleads the public, but puts the people in positions of unfair justice, altered history and further conflicts hurt and confusion on the families and loved ones left behind in the case of murder trials.

It is unfathomable that such cold and filthy individuals are still standing in places of governing authority.  It not only incriminates our justice system, but reflects the personal intent to harm others and mislead the public in an effort to maintain control individually and collectively.  This certainly shows the character of this particular District Attorney and those like him.

Ongoing efforts to disseminate this information have been in circulation, yet not reported on as much as the public statements court officials like to release, as well as the large companies that are guilty of such crimes.  Here is one such effort at disseminating the truth.  Crime after Crime is a documentary being produced by the Oprah Winfrey Network:

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